By Керімбек Ғалымжан Есқараұлы on Thursday, 03 April 2014
Category: Дополнительные материалы


Academician IAIS

Date of birth 14.08.1977

Contact information This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Family position married, has 3 children


1994-1998 –Almaty State University named after Abay

Specialty– economist-finansist: «Taxation»


1998 - 2014 Courses and conferences: 

-       For active participation on the 3 credits of course lectures of Professor LeventAltinay (Oxford Brookes University, Oxford) “ How to write an academic paper” which was held under the auspices of Summer School named “Modernization of National Economy under Globalization” from 20 May to 02 June 2013. Astana.

-       For active participation on the 3 credits of course lectures of Professor Sung-Kye LEE (Andong National University, Korea) “Economic Growth” which was held under auspices of Summer School named named “Modernization of National Economy under Globalization” from 20 May to 02 June 2013. Astana.

-       For active participation on the 3 credits of course lectures of Professor Metin Kazak (DokuzEylul University, Turkey) “Research methods” which was held under auspices of Summer School named “ Modernization of National Economy under Globalization” from 20 May to 02 June 2013. Astana.

-       For active participation on the 3 credits of course lectures of Professor KaruneshSaxena (Mohan LalSukhadiya University, India) “Theory, Practice and Application of internatioanal Business: With Special Reference to Kazakhstan’s Economy” which held under auspices of Summer School named “ Modernization of National Economy under Globalization” from 24 May to 02 June 2013. Astana.

-       This is to certify that Completed the course on East Asian Model of Economic Development, given by Professor of Economics Sung-Kyu, Lee. April 21 to 30, 2012.

-  Seminar «Financial risk management» (17-18 June 2010 JSC «Marsh (Risk Consulting)»)

-  «Principles of risk management» (29 July 2010 PriceWaterHouseCoopers)

-       For active participation on the 3 credits of course lectures of Professor Choong Yang Lee (Pittsburg State University,USA) “Strategic Development of Sustainable Economy” which was held under the auspices of Summer School named “Modernization of National Economy under Globalization” from 28 May to 08 June 2013. Astana.

-       «Preventive measures in governmental corruption». ASBT the Astana School of Business and Technology. 19-23.08.2013 Astana.

-       «Electronic government" as a way of modernization of state management. ASBT the Astana School of Business and Technology. 11-15.11.2013Astana.

-       «Developing leader features in governmental workers». ASBT the Astana School of Business and Technology. 21-25.10.2013 Astana.

-       «Public ІРО» main aspects of the program». "Samruk Kazyna" JSC. 01 April 2013.

-       «Regional Economy» 03-15 September 2012г. Astana, Kazakhstan.

-       «Financial market as a ruled system» Astana, March 2013

-                «Internship in Univeristies: organization, holding and managing.».19 December 2013. Astana.

-       «Economyofsocialsector». 29.11-07.12. 2013.

-       Principles of risk management. 29.07.2010 Astana, Kazakhstan

-       «Inventing and implementing integrated system of management according to international standards ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004 И OHSAS 18001:2007».

-       "Computer literacy according to the program of decreasing informational inequality in Republic of Kazakhstan. 14 November 2008.

-       «Financial Risk management». JSC «Marsh (Risk Consulting)». 17-18.06.2010.

-       «Problems of economic companies in modern conditions of Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation» 9-24.12.2011.

-       «Modern tendencies in financial management of corporate expenses». 19-29.12.2011.




1999 – 2004. Teacher in South Kazakhstani branch of Almaty Institute of Economic and Statistics,

2003 -2005. Teacher in South Kazakhstan Humanitarian Economic College

2005-2009. Leading Teacher of the "Tax and taxation" department in South Kazakhstan Governmental University named after M. Auezov

2009 -2011 Leading Teacher of Shymkent Social Pedagogical University                           2008 -2010 Leading economist in economic-planning department in South Kazakhstan branch of JSC «KEGOC»

From October 2012 associated docent of ''Finance" department of Eurasian National University named after L.N.Gumilyev




  1. Awarding diploma of National Library of Republic of Kazakhstan (2009, 2010)
  2. Awarding diploma of "Ekonomika" publisher (2009)
  3. Awarding diploma of Kazakh Economic University named after T.Ryskulov and "Ekonomika" publisher (2010)


Scientific achievements:

Curriculum book: «Economics of company and entrepreneurship». Almaty: «Bastau» 2002.

Curriculum book: «Economics of company and entrepreneurship». Astana: «Foliant» 2005.

Book: «Tax and Taxation». Almaty: «Ekonomika» 2006.

Russian-Kazakh Dictionary «Tax and taxation». Almaty: «Ekonomika» 2008.

Book in two parts: «Tax and taxation». Almaty: «Ekonomika» 2011.

Russian-Kazakh Dictionary in two parts «Tax and taxation».Almaty: «Ekonomika» 2012.

Monography: «Ways of developing small businesses in agricultural sector (in the example of South Kazakhstan) Almaty «Ekonomika» 2012

Published more than 30 scientific articles

Political status Party member of NDP "Nur Otan" 2007-2009. The lecturer of group on discussion and promotion of the annual Message of the President of RK N. Nazarbayev created at Regional Akimate2007-2010. The lecturer of courses on preparation and retraining of civil servants on South Kazakhstan Province



Professional skills: Good organizing abilities, ability to coordinate any work, computer skills, communicative skills, ability to work in team, skills of the solution of questions, drawing up and the conclusion of contracts, record keeping, skills of the organization of round tables, conferences, meetings and ability to edit manuals.

Languages: Kazakh, Russian, –excellent; German and English (with the dictionary)

Strengths: successful work in team and independently, makingdecisions, quickly adapting for working conditions, easily trained, ability to come into contact with people

Personal qualities Accurate, punctual, responsible, easy to work in team and initiative

Interestsreading, billiards, bowling