By Нурланова Наиля Капеновна on Monday, 22 February 2016
Category: Дополнительные материалы


Nurlanova Nailya Kapenovna  Deputy Director of the Institute of Economics CS MES RK, Doctor of Economics, Professor.    

Main scientific interests: development of theory, methodology and practice of economic science, problems investigation of macro- and regional economy, forming and realization of investment-innovative and regional politics of the State, institutional transformations, capital markets, sustainable development, its financial, investment and science-technological assurance, innovative economy, effectiveness and competitiveness of the country economy and its regions. Participated in implementing a range of themes of fundamental, applied and research investigations within government orders and international projects.

Nurlanova N. is the author of more than 350 treatises including individual monographs “Forming and realization of investments in Kazakhstan economy: strategy and tools”. – Almaty. 1998., “Regional paradigm of sustainable development of Kazakhstan: problems of theory and practice”. – Almaty. 2010, and about 40 individual chapters in composite monographs. The results of her investigations were evaluated at international and republican conferences, workshops, round table meetings of different level.

Nurlanova N. has a school of thought: 19 candidates of science, 4 doctors of science, 3 PhD were trained; many of them work in government authorities, scientific and higher education fields.  She provides scientific assurance and expertise of different projects, legislative acts, conceptions, regulations.

Nurlanova N. was a member of the National Scientific Council on 5-th priority “Intellectual potential of the country” (2011-2014). She is a member of the editorial board of the journals on economics: «Journal of Asian finance, Economics and Business», “Journal of Distribution Science” (Seoul, South Korea),  “Izvestiya NAS RK”, a series of public and humanities sciences (Almaty), “Economics: strategy and practice” IE CS MES RK (Almaty), “Economics and Statistics” (Astana), “Bulletin of regional development” (Karaganda), «Иқтисод ва молия - Economics and Finance» (The Republic of Uzbekistan).

Decorated “For merits in science development in the Republic of Kazakhstan” (2005), was awarded with the State scientific grant for scientists and specialists for outstanding contribution into development of science and technology (2006 – 2008, 2016-2017), a laureate of Eurasian Scientists Club prize for the best economic investigation in 2010 for composite treatise “Application and integration of the “Green Growth” tools and policies into the strategic planning system of the Republic of  Kazakhstan / under the ed. of  B. Yesekina, Almaty, 2010, 64p., medal of the Organizational Committee of the National Business Rating in the Republic of Kazakhstan "For Efficiency in Labor" (2013),  Medal of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Yenbek Ardagerі" (2016).