
Baiduvaliyev Askhan Markhabayevich


Date of birth: 3.10.1972

Place of birth: Kentau city, southern region of Kazakhstan.

Nationality: Kazakh.

From 1979-to 1989 studied at secondary school named after Y.A.Gagarin, village Mezhdurechenskoe, Ily area of Almaty region.

In 1989 enrolled in the 1st year of the Karaganda National Medical University.

In 1990 was transferred to the 2nd course of “ANMU” named after S.D.Asfendiyarov.

In 1995 graduated from “ANMU” specialty “Medicine business”.

From 1995-to 1997, studied in clinical internship at the department of urology with the course of operative nephrology “ANMU” named after S.D.Asfendiyarov.

From 1997-to 2000 studied at the graduate school of “ANMU”.


In 2001 defended PhD thesis on "Optimization of tactical approaches to diagnosis and treatment of certain diseases of organs and tissues of the retroperitoneal space".

From 2001 - to 2005, professor’s assistant of urology and operative nephrology “ANMU” named after S.D.Asfendiyarov.

Since January 2006 was appointed head of the department of urology HMD "CMU", Dean of the Faculty of Postgraduate Education.

In October 2008, entered the correspondence doctorate of first Moscow Sechenov Medical Academy, approved doctoral dissertation topic: "New methods of diagnosis of prostate cancer."

In 2009, the highest qualification category on "Urology and Andrology” specialty was awarded.

January 27th, 2010 was appointed Director of GCE "Polyclinic Karasai area" Almaty region.

December 25th, 2012 in connection with reorganization (union) CRH Karasai district, Polyclinic of Karasai district, SA Ushkonyr, SA Tausamaly, SA Shamalgan station was appointed Director of PCG on PVC "Karasai CRH" Almaty region.

April 9, 2015 was appointed head of the Department of Health Almaty region.

Married. Has two sons.


Certificate of Primary retraining:

Almaty National Institute of Postgraduate Doctors improvement

28.02.2011-25.07.2011 "Health Management" 1080 hours.



Evidence of professional development:

1) In 2005 passed training at the Department of Urology at the rate operative nephrology KazNMU named after S.D.Asfendiyarov.

2) In 2006 passed training in the specialty "Pedagogy and Psychology" with HMD "Kazakh Medical University."

3) In 2008 passed training in the specialty "Urology" on cycle "Current issues of uroandrology" with HMD "CMU"

4) In 2009 passed training in the specialty "Urology" on cycle "Current issues of Urology" at HMD "CMU".

5) HMD "Kazakh-Russian medical university" 27.01.2010-01.03.2010

"Foundations of Law and Health Management" 144 hours.

6) KazNMU named after S.D.Asfendiyarov 27.06.2011-02.07.2011

" State enterprises of agricultural economic efficiency" 54 hours.

7) HMD "Kazakhstan-Russian Medical University"

13.08.2011-13.09.2011 "Innovative technologies in the diagnosis and treatment of urological diseases" 234 hours.

8) Almaty State Postgraduate Medical Institute.

09.12.2011-14.12.2011 Health Management "Internal Audit" 54 hours.

9) Workshop "Internal audit of quality of medical services" 09.12.2011-14.12.2011.

10) School of Public Health of the Ministry of Health. Cycle: "Management of the British health technology"

29.03.2013-21.11.2013, 864 hours.

11) VSHOZ Almaty 18.12.2013- 23.12.2013 "Innovative methods of health management. Electronic jobs. Modern HR Management "

12) HMD "Kazakhstan-Russian Medical University" 03.11.14-05.11.2014 "Actual issues of Urology and Andrology" 18 hours.

13) 10.12.14-12.12.2014 "The organization and management of health care."

14) 20.01.15-22.01.2015 "Questions of evidence-based medicine in urology and andrology."

15) 17.02.15-19.02.2015 master class "hospital management".

16) 11.03.15-13.03.2015 master class "Few invasive urology."

17) 06.04.15-08.04.2015 training seminar "Financial management in health care."

18) HMD "Kazakhstan-Russian Medical University" 08.12.14-10.01.2015 "Actual issues of Urology and Andrology" 216 hours.



1) Medal "Excellent union".

2) Jubilee medal "Kazakhstan Independence 20 years".

3) "The letter of thanks" from akim of Karasai district.

4) "Certificate of Honor" from region akim A.Musahanova.

5) "Letter of Appreciation" from "Nur Otan" party’s vice chairman B.Baibek.

6) "Letter of Appreciation" from region akim A.Batalov.

7) Medal "Honorable Health Worker."

8) Jubilee medal "Kazakhstan Constitution 20th Anniversary”

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