By Сарсенова Нурзила Сарсеновна on Thursday, 19 January 2017
Category: Дополнительные материалы

Sarsenova Nurzila

Sarsenova Nurzila

Sarsenova Nurzila    was born in 1947, in Zhanakush village, Baksay district, Gur yev region.

In 1953-1963 years she studied in Furmanov secondary school .In 1970 year she graduated in Сhemistry-Вiology from  Guryev State Teacher-Training Institute.

She began her career in 1970.She worked as a  Chemistry and Biology teacher in Mukhtar Auezov  school #7  in Atyrau. She was an manager   of Pastoral Care, Deputy Principal for Academic Affairs.                                                                                        In 1998-2012 she held the Principal of the Institute of training and retraining position in Atyrau region, the acting Director of the branch JSC NCPD "Orleu" in Atyrau region. In 2012 she was Assistant Professor. Since 2014 she has  held the position of the  head of the Department "Education and Socialization of personality".       

Since 2006 she has been Assistant Professor of the Republican Institute for professional development of  educational system leading and research pedagogical staff .  In 2009 she was awarded the title of pedagogical Sciences candidate ,in 2011 she became a  member of International Information Academy. Since 2012 she has been academic Professor of the branch of JSC NCPD "Orleu" Institute of Training Institute   of teachers  in Atyrau region. In 2015she  was awarded the title "Honorary citizen" of the city of Atyrau.

Throughout her career , she was awarded the medal "Excellence in Kazakhstan Education System ", "I. Altynsarin", "Honorary specialist  of Kazakhstan Education System ", as well as honorary diplomas of the Ministry of Science and Education of Republic of Kazakhstan, diplomas of the Republican Institute for development of leading and research pedagogical staff of Education System, the regional mayor, regional Council, regional Department of education, JSC NCPD "Orleu" and was  nominated as  "the Best Director" of the Department of Education in Atyrau region.

She participated as a delegate at the first Congress of teachers, at the first Congress of mathematics teachers of CIS, and at the Republican Congress of teachers of chemistry. She was at the best teachers reception of the President.

She is the author of many teaching aids, spoke  on the meeting of Parliament, forums, seminars, international, Republican, regional scientific conferences.

 Marital status: married.