Nurmanov   Bakhyt  Aldanovich

Date of birth:                   26.06.1962

Place of birth:                  Kyzyl-Orda city


Residence:                        vil. Almalyk, Talgar district   

                                           Almaty region, Altynsarina str., 7


Phone:                              8 (72774) 4-47-14, 8 (727) 308-99-65

                                           8 771 474 67 01


e-mail:                               This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Nationality:                      Kazakh

Education:                       Higher education


Family status:                  Married, four children


Computer skills:             Office (Word, Exсel,) Internet Explorer.


Language knowledge:    Kazakh – native speaker, Russian - 

                                          in excellence, English – with dictionary.




  1. Kzyl-Orda Polytechnic College with a degree in Hydraulic Engineering. Qualified technician-hydraulic engineer-builder. 1978-1982



  1. Dzhambul irrigation, drainage and construction institute with a degree in irrigation and drainage. Qualified engineer-hydraulic engineer-builder. 1986-1992.


  1. The All-Union Institute for Advanced Studies of Leading Workers of the USSR Ministry of Water Resources under the advanced training program for chiefs and senior foremen of water management and construction organizations in 1983


  1. Dzhambul irrigation and drainage construction

                        Institute, Faculty of Continuing Education

                        specialties: "Hydraulic engineers

                        construction organizations ",01.12.1985-31.01.1986


  1. Alma-Ata organization society "Knowledge" -AINH Training and Methodological Center, training in courses of accountants, qualification: accountant of a cooperative, small enterprise, November 1992


                                  Professional experience:


1978-1982                  Polytechnic College Student


1982, 02-04 month   HRU concrete worker , Kyzyl-Orda


1982-1992            Master, foreman, sn. foreman, the head of the site. PMK-51 of the trust "Issykvodstroy", PSMO "Almaty Melioration" Glavrissovkhozstroy under the Ministry of Water Management of the USSR of Almaty region.


1992-1997            Chairman of the Board, AK-MECHET LLP

                                   Almaty city.


1997-1998            Deputy General Director of the production cooperative "Zhanar" in Almaty.                 


1998-2005            Master, foreman of the SMU RSE "Kazselezashchita", head of the construction department, RSE "Seldenkorgau kurylys" Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


2005-2006            Chief engineer of the construction company LLP "Kerege" in Almaty.


   2006                      Head of the construction department of the Akimat of the Talgar district, Almaty region.


2006-2016            General Director of NK Region HydroStroy LLP - a specialized organization involved in the management of natural and man-made emergencies and the construction, design of hydraulic structures in the Republic of Kazakhstan.


2016 – until now  General Director of NK Region HydroStroy LLP - a specialized organization involved in the management of natural and man-made emergencies and the construction, design of hydraulic structures in the Republic of Kazakhstan.








Infromation about family:


Married, four children:

Wife – Nurmanova Maya Leonidovna – housewife.

Daughter – Nurmanova Asel Bakhytovna – enterpreneur.

Daughter – Tursunova Roza Bakhytovna – медик.

Two sons are working in Kaz Hydro Spas LLP

Son – Nurmanov Askhat Bakhytovich – holds the position of master.

Son – Nurmanov Rayymbek  Bakhytovich – holds the position of public procurement manager.


                                Additional information:

Sociable, energetic, responsible, conscientious, good organizer, leader.


  • By the decision of the "Organizing Committee for Public Awards and Titles" was awarded the Order of Public Recognition "HONORARY CITIZEN OF KAZAKHSTAN";

  • On the Presentation of the Presidium of the Interstate Expert Council was awarded the Badge of Honor of the Hero of the Encyclopedia “BEST PEOPLE”;

  • Corresponding Member of the International Academy of Informatization (IAIN);

  • Member of the Nur Otan Party;

  • On the proposal of the Akim of the district, by the decision of the Talgar regional maslikhat, was awarded by the honorary title “HONORARY CITIZEN OF TALGAR DISTRICT”;

  • For merits and a great personal contribution to the development of friendship and cooperation between Russia and Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation, the National Committee of public awards, was awarded an honorary diploma, Order of the Holy Prince Alexander Nevsky III degree;

  • Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Statistics, National Business Rating in Kazakhstan was awarded the Order of Glory of Kazakhstan as evidence of recognition of personal contribution to the development of the country's economy;

  • Was awarded the Patriot medal by the Chairman of the central council of the Republican Public Association Veterans of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

  • Was awarded the Batyr Shapagaty Medal by the Chairman of the Central Council of the Republican Public Association Veterans of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

  • On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan, was awarded a medal by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

  • On the 100th anniversary of the Baurzhan Momyshuly, Hero of the Soviet Union, was awarded the Defender of the Fatherland medal;

  • In accordance with the decision of the Presidium of the Central Council of the RCP “Veterans of the Armed Forces” was awarded the medal “General of the Army S.K. Nurmagambetov”;

  • During career in the system of Glavrissovkhozstroy under the Ministry of Water Economy of the USSR was repeatedly awarded with diplomas and gratitudes;

  • In the system of the Ministry of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Emergencies, was awarded diplomas, the State Institution "Kazselezashchita" and the State Unitary Enterprise "Seldenkiorgau Urylys" of the Ministry of Emergencies for diligent work and active participation in the prevention and elimination of emergencies in the Republic of Kazakhstan, a great personal contribution to the establishment and development of the domestic engineering protection services;

  • Was awarded an honorary diploma from the Akimat of the Medeu district of Almaty "For the quality of work to eliminate the consequences of a natural emergency in the Medeu district of Almaty and the improvement of the Tiksai river bed";

  • In the Talgar district was awarded grateful letters from the Akim of the Talgar region, from the Akim of the city of Talgar “For liquidating the consequences of natural emergencies in the Berezka sanatorium in the Talgar district of the Almaty region”;

  • Was awarded a grateful letter from the Head of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Almaty Region “For solving the tasks of implementing a set of measures aimed at improving the efficiency of the activities of the internal affairs bodies and strengthening the material and technical base”;

  • Awarded a grateful letter from the Head of the Department of Emergency Situations of the Talgar Region "For carrying out work to eliminate an emergency of a natural nature resulting from a devastating flash flood on the Besagash and Kamenka rivers in the city of Talgar, as well as on the highway of the Bereke village in the Ak-Bulak SOK "Talgar district of Almaty region";

  • Was awarded a grateful letter from the Akim of the Talgar district of Almaty region "For holding large-scale events aimed at the prosperity of the country, improving the socio-economic situation of our people, as well as for their active participation in the 28th Winter Universiade held in the Talgar district of Almaty region";

  • Was awarded a grateful letter from the Akim of the Talgar district of the Almaty region "For unity and solidarity, efforts and knowledge aimed at the prosperity of the country";

  • Was awarded a grateful letter from the Akim of the Alatau rural district of the Talgar district of the Almaty region “For improving the socio-economic situation”.


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