Omarbekova Urzhan Zhakataevna

Date and place of birth. Was born on 15 August 1958 in the area Sarysu Zhambulskoy area.


Academic titles and degrees. Associate Professor, condidate of Veterinary Science.

Higher education. In 1975, she graduated from high school and enrolled in Alma-Ata Veterinary Institute, from which she graduated in 1980 with a degree veterinarian.

Central place of work. 1980 - 1983 worked as a researcher of the Kazakh State Enterprise Scientific Research Veterinary Institute. From 1983 to 1987 she studied at postgraduate at the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Veterinary Public Health, Moscow. The basic research work conducted in the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Veterinary Virology and Microbiology.

1987 - 1988 years. a senior laboratory assistant at the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Veterinary Public Health (Moscow) and has carried out research in the field of aerosol disinfection.

1988 -1997 he worked as head of the laboratory cell cultures and tissues in the Zone specialized laboratory for particularly dangerous animal diseases (Tashkent)

 1998-2002 she worked as a researcher in the scientific enterprise proizvodstennom "Antigen", and in research on the development of diagnostic products anthrax and brucellosis.
Since 2002, and engaged in teaching at the Kazakh National Agrarian University in the beginning as an assistant in 2005. Associate Professor of the Department "epizootiology and veterinary organizations," now "Biosafety"

The main areas of research, discovery and invention. Basic activities - research related to pathogens, diagnostics, treatment and prevention of dangerous infectious diseases of farm animals.
In the period 2001-2005, as the main performer of research conducted by two industry research projects under the Ministry of Agriculture, the following topics on the grant: "The way of diagnostic products for leukemia animals" and "The way of diagnostic products for anthrax" and a one-time theme of "The standard tests for the prevention and diagnosis of anthrax in the" developed as part of the budget program 703 "Development of regulatory basis for the regulation of the industry of agriculture."

At present she is the executor of a research project on "Monitoring metapnevmovirusnoy virus infection of birds and the development of specific diagnostics and prevention" in priority areas of science: Item 4 - Life sciences, item 4.2. - New biologics through the MES for grant funding for research programs and projects in the years 2012-20014, in the Ministry of Agriculture of agriculture within the framework of the state budget program 212 "Research and activities in the field of agriculture," event "Development of effective methods and techniques for monitoring dangerous diseases of farm animals and the means of decontamination of pathogens in the environment" for 2013-2014 years. complex in the framework of the state budget program 212 "Research and activities in the field of agriculture", the program "Scientific provision of veterinary welfare" for 2015 . The results of the research related to infectious diseases of animals has 7 Copyright svidetedelstv 2 predpatentov and innovation patent by one of the Committee on Intellectual Property Rights MOJ RK.

Rewarding. 2007, 2010, 2011 years, she was awarded the Diploma of diplomas and KazNAU for preparing the best teams and the winners of a student Republican Subject Olympiad specialty "Veterinary medicine" and for active participation in the social life of the university.

Scientific works. The author has published more than 175 scientific and methodical works, including 2 textbooks recommended by the MES, 2 manuals, 20 standard programs, 75 scientific articles and theses, 2 of which are published in scientific journals far (PRC) and 1 - neighbor (Kyrgyzstan) abroad, in international scientific journals included in the database of Thomson Reuters, and author copyright svidetedelstv 1 innovative patent of the Committee on Intellectual Property Rights MOJ RK.

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