By Шахметова Назира Ахановна on Tuesday, 08 August 2017
Category: Дополнительные материалы


Education, specialty (qualification): Pavlodar Pedagogical Institute (1987-1992), specialty "Russian language and literature in Kazakh school"

(Diploma with high distinctionTB-I № 196766); qualification – teacher of Russian languageand literatureof secondary school.

Language skills: Kazakh and Russian – fluently, German – with dictionary.

Computer skills: Windows, Internet Explorer, PowerPoint and other programms.

Work experience:

- teacher of Russian languageand literature – secondary school № 1 Aksu (1992-1993);

- teacher of Russian languageand literature – regional Kazakh boarding gymnasium for gifted children named after Y. Altynsarin, Pavlodar (1993-1994);

- trainee researcher – associate professor of Pavlodar

State university named after S. Torajgyrov (1994-2017);

Presentposition: associate professor (docent) of the department of Russian philology

of Pavlodar state university named after S. Torajgyrov.

Taught disciplines: Орыстілі (Russian language) (in Kazakh groups), Қазақтілі (Kazakh language) (in Russian groups); Орыс тілі теориясының негіздері (The theory of Russian language),

Тілдік қарым-қатынас бойынша практикум (Practicum on language communication),

Жазбаша аударма практикасы (The practice of written translation) (for students of speciality «Аударма ісі» (“Translation stidies”)); author's courses «Сопоставительная грамматика

казахского и русского языков» («Comparative Grammar of the Kazakh and Russian languages»), «Актуальные направления языкознания» («Current trends of linguistics»), «Актуальные проблемы языкознания» («Actual problems of linguistics»), «Этнолингвистика и лингвострановедение» («Ethnolinguistics and lingua country-studying») andother

Professional achievements: defense of a dissertation for the degree of

candidate of philological sciences in specialty 10.02.20 – Comparative-historical,

typological and comparative linguistics (Dissertation Council 14.29.02 ENU named after L.Gumilev);

academic degree: Candidate of Philology (decision of the Monitoring Committee

in the sphere of education and science of MES of "23" September 2010, Minutes № 8);

Academic rank: docent of Pavlodar state university named after

S. Torajgyrov (Academic Council's decision of "24" November 2010, Minutes № 4);

Otherranks: currentmember of the International Informatization Academy (2014);

Fieldofresearch: Comparative-typological linguistics, Ethnolinguistics

Cultural linguistics, cognitive linguistics, Cognitive Terminology, etc .;

Translation activities: translation of the 11th Volume of Collected Works of Mashkhur Zhusip

Kopeev (scientific edition "Prose of Mashkhur Zhusip Kopeev: translation from Kazakh". –

Pavlodar: akimat of Pavlodar oblast, 2013. – 205 p.);

Gold Medal named by MashkhurZhusipfor the contribution to the study and promotion of heritage of Mashkhur Zhusip Kopeev (2013)

Member of Editorial Board of the magazine «Bulletin of Pavlodar stateuniversity named after S.Torajgyrov. Section of philology» (order №6/107/ 320 from «09» July 2015);

Preparation of Master of Philology (2014-2015: 2016-2017);

Peer review of works:

- Abstract of the dissertation of Mirzoyev Habibollo Holovich "Lexico-semantic field of HORSE / HSA in English and Tajik languages" for the degree of Doctor of Philology; specialty code: 10.02.20 - Comparative-historical, comparative and typological linguistics (the department of the English language of the State Pedagogical Institute named after S. Ayni – Dushanbe, January, 2014.);

- Abstract of the dissertation of Shakarman Aygerim Pshembaykyzy "Conceptual Foundations of religious discourse" on the degree of Candidate of Philology (Department of Linguistics of the Kyrgyz language, Bishkek Humanitarian University named after K. Karasayeva – Bishkek, March 2015.);

- Monographyof candidate of Philological Sciences, prof. Mukataj Tleubaevich Tezekbayev "Lexico-semantic interference of the Kazakh language in Russian speechof bilinguals". – Pavlodar, 2015, etc.

- Educational and methodical production of teachers of Pavlodar region: Program of applied course in Russian language "Comprehensive analysis of the text" for pupils of 10-11 classes of secondary schools, program of crafts course in Russian language "Complex cases of spelling and punctuation" for students in 11 grade of social and humanitarian areas etc.

Scientific supervisor for the preparation of students for the subject Olympiads and competitions

research projects (regional Kazakh gymnasium for gifted children namedafter Y. Altynsarin;

Pavlodar, 2011-2014).

Representative of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the

Unified National Test (Kyzyl-Orda, 2006, 2017);

Member of the Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

for state certification of high school (2011);

Teacher of the Course "Paperwork in state language" in the amount of  74 hours for the specialists of the structural units of the university (Pavlodar, 2006);

Author of the Program "Ana tili (native language)" (Pavlodar region, 2007);

Member of the commission of the regional contest "Tilsheberі (language master)" (2014).

Further training:

- Certificate on completion of the course "The development of electronic textbooks" (2009);

- Certificate on completion of the course "Use of ICT in the learning process" (2010);

- Certificate on completion of the course "Description of Russian as a foreign language

and a technique of its teaching" (Moscow, 2011);

- Scientific training at the Faculty of Advanced Training of Moscow

State Institute of Russian Language named after A.S. Pushkin (Moscow, 2011);

- Certificate on completion of the course "Actual problems of modern rhetoric"

(Kemerovo, 2012);

- Scientific training in the framework of the X International Winter Research School "New

paradigms and new solutions in cognitive linguistics" (Pavlodar, 2012);

- Certificate for participation in the International scientific-practical conference

"Russian language in the CIS: problems and prospects" in the framework of the implementation of measures

of departmental target program of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russian

Federation for 2012-2015. (Chelyabinsk-Kostanai, 2012);

- The diploma for participation in the I International Internet Conference "V.V.Radlov

and spiritual culture of the Turkic peoples" (Kazan, 2012);

- Certificate for participation in the training seminar "The algorithm of the publication of scientific articles in the Thomson Reuters database logs" (Pavlodar, 2012);

- Certificate for participation in the training seminar "The algorithm of the publication of scientific articles in publishing houses of Elsevier" (of Pavlodvr, 2012);

- Certificate for taking part in a training seminar on "Application of remote technologies

in the learning process" (Pavlodar, 2013);

- Certificate for participation in the III International Scientific Conference (Austria, 2014);

- Certificate for participation in the International scientific conference "Modern

linguistics and the study of mentality in the XXI century" (Kemerovo-Pavlodar, 2014);

- Certificate on completion of the course "Literature of Modernism of the 1920s: Acmeism, futurism" (Pavlodar, 2016);

- Certificate for participation in the seminar with an element of coaching "Types of innovation. Priority areas. Innovation grants. Types of grants" (Astana, JSC" National Agency for Technological Development ", 2016).

Scientific works and inventions (certificates, patents): about 130 works


- Certificate of state registration of rights to the copyright object (from the "26" in May 2014);

- Letters of thanks for taking part in organizing and conducting competitions of research works and creative projects, for preparing students for the subject Olympiads and competitions of scientific projects (2011-2017).