By Абдраимова Айгуль Дильдабековна on Monday, 15 January 2018
Category: Дополнительные материалы


Aigul Abdraimova was born on November 19, 1962 in Tashkent, in the Republic of Uzbekistan. In 1980 she graduated from the specialized class of secondary school No. 3 named after N. Krupskaya in the city Dzhambul.

In 1985 she graduated with the honor the faculty "Hydromelioration", specialty: "Hydraulic engineer" in Dzhambul hydromeliorative and construction institute. In 1995 Aigul Abdraimova graduated the faculty: "Russian language and literature in the national school", specialty: "Teacher of the Russian language" in Shymkent Pedagogical Institute.


She began her career in 1988 as administrator in the collective farm named by «Lenin» in «Leninsky» districts of the South Kazakhstan region.

1990 - 1995 - School named by «Altynsarin» in village Karatas, «Leninsky» district of the South Kazakhstan region as an Russian language teacher;

1995 - 2003 – She was self employed;

2003 - 2008 - Independent consultant, life insurance agent;

2008 - 2009 - Agent in BTA in the "Deposits" department, manager in APF "BTA Kazakhstan";

2009 - 2011 - JSC "L-Capital" - director of the training center in Almaty;

2011 - 2012 taking part in the promotion of the state program on investment culture and financial literacy of the population. To implement this program, in 2010 an agreement was concluded on cooperation 04-19 / 66-20 between the JSC "Regional Financial Center of Almaty City" and JSC "L-CAPITAL";

2012 – took part in promoting program "People's IPO" in the Republic of Kazakhstan in cooperation with the brokerage company "Asyl-Invest".


The following courses were held to improve the qualification:

- 2002 - 2003 - Financial seminars abroad;

- 2004 – Training: "Sales Psychology", Austria, Graz;

- 2006 - Advanced training in the specialty "Accumulative life insurance", Austria, Graz;

- 2008 - "How to make money without starting capital", Almaty, S. Azimov;

- 2009 - "My brilliant child", Almaty, S. Davlatov;

- 2011 - training in the RFCA Academy, Almaty;

- 2012 - "New investment solutions", Dubai, United Arab Emirates;

- 2012 - "Laws of fate", Almaty, O. Gadetsky;

- March 2013 - "Best Sales Techniques", Almaty, A.Vins;

- May 2013 "Sale Techniques", Antalya, V. Krasnorutsky;

- October 2013 - "Oratory 2.0", master class by R. Gandapas;

- November 2013 - Certification course "NLP-Practitioner" (I-module);

- December 2013 - Certification course "NLP-Practitioner" (II-module);

- February 2014 - Certification course "NLP-Practitioner" (III-module);

- 2014 Distance learning "Practical Psychology", European School of Correspondence Education;


In 2016 he is the head of the LLP "School of financial literacy of Aigul Abdraimova".

In November 2017, a joint social and educational project "The Center for Financial Literacy" BEREKE "was launched with the National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan.