By Аннакулиева Гульнара Атаевна on Tuesday, 14 February 2017
Category: Дополнительные материалы


Annakuliyeva Gulnara Atayevna was born on October 02, 1950 in Turkmenistan. In 1971 graduated in Ashgabat from economics department of university in "Industry planning".

As the affiliated graduate student from republican academy of Sciences studied in a postgraduate study of the Central economic-mathematical institute Academy of Sciences of the USSR (Laboratory of the academician Stanislav Shatalin), in 1975 protected under a scientific management of the Doctor of Economics Valery Rutgayzer the master's thesis on a social perspective at Lomonosov Moscow State University. She is Candidate of Economic Sciences.

For 25 years (from 1975 to 1996 and 2005-2008) worked at Research economic institute in case of the State Planning Committee of the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic, Department of Economic Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Her many ideas received implementation in economy Kazakhstan, she is the author of the Kazakhstan's first publication (in 1991) on problems of poverty and questions of its overcoming.

Worked also in Administration of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Municipality of Almaty region, the Ministry of Culture and Information, Тhe Kazakhstan institute of strategic researches in case of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the International institute of modern policy, the Kazakh university of world languages and the international relations of Abylay of the Han, the Almaty university of power and communication. Now – the associate professor of UIB.

The author more than 150 scientific publications and scientific reports on regional, (including the author of the collective monograph in 3 volumes "The Spatial Organization of the Territory and Resettlement of the Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan till 2030.", Ministries of Economy and Budget Planning publishing houses, JSC Institute of Economic Researches, Astana, 2008); to regional, social, science of science problems of Kazakhstan and Central Asia.

She is the Мember of Сouncil of Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan. In 2001 she has been awarded by a Мedal («Orden») of Friendship of the II degree.