By Тулекова Гульжан Хажмуратовна on Friday, 09 June 2023
Category: Дополнительные материалы


Tulekova Gulzhan Khazhmuratovna was born on April 21, 1973 in a family of teachers in the village of Aksuat, Aksuat district, Semey region, now (East Kazakhstan region).

She grew up surrounded by six children. She grew up to be a very smart, determined, brave girl, whose exactingness is manifested in her every act. In the spring of 1977, he moved to the village of Rayymbek, Kaskelen district, Almaty region. In 1981, she studied with honors until the 9th grade of the Kenen Azirbayev secondary school, and in 1989 she graduated with a medal from the Kazakh language and Literature School No. 2 in Almaty. In 1990-1995, she graduated with honors from the Philological Faculty of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University. She started writing poetry at university and published her first publications. The ability to attend a variety school from childhood was reflected in the fact that she achieved many successes at university. For example, reading poems by Zhumeken Nazhmedenov on the stage of the Writers' Union, participating in Olympiads in the Kazakh language and literature, in educational Olympiads between universities, becoming a winner of the KVN, speaking at Nauryz holidays, speaking at the first scientific conferences and winning the 1st place. She was respected by her parents, siblings and peers. As the leader of the group, she was at the origin of all the activities of her group. Teachers highly appreciated the talent, and in 1995 she took the 1st place at the competition dedicated to the 150th anniversary of Abai Kunanbayev among universities (KazSU, ASU, ZHENPU) and was awarded a great honor. In 1994, she began working as a teacher of the Kazakh language and literature at secondary school No. 128. In 1995-1998, she graduated from the graduate school of ZHENPU with a degree in " 10.02.02 Kazakh language". In 2002, she worked as a methodologist of the Kazakh language and literature at the city pedagogical center for advanced training. In those years, when she was in Almaty for the first time, she organized and wrote a script for the contest “The best of the Kazakh language and Literature classrooms". Scientific supervisor of Tulekova Gulzhan is  Ph.D., Prof. M.S.Atabayeva. In 2011 , the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan awarded the degree of Candidate of Philological Sciences Tulekova G.Kh. In 2005-2009, she worked as a specialist at the Department of "Science and International Relations" of the university, the register office of the magistracy, as well as the responsible chief specialist for the scientific work of students. During these years, she organized scientific and theoretical conferences, created scientific collections and organized international meetings. Since 2009, she has been working as an associate professor at the Department of Journalism and Translation Studies at Turan University. In 2018, she was awarded a Certificate of Honor for her high professionalism and contribution to the development of Turan University. Gulzhan is the winner of the "Best Adviser-2018" contest. She has honorary certificates from the rector of the University, Doctor of Economics, Professor Alshanov R.A. In 2020, she conducted a global online dictation in the national language and was awarded at the highest level. Over the years, she has written 95 scientific articles, 3 monographs, 9 teaching aids. A monetary gift was also presented for the 30th anniversary of Turan University. Since September 2022,  Tulekova Gulzhan has been an academician of the MAIN. She has 17 medals and orders for research work introduced into the spiritual and cultural folk medicine of the Republic of Kazakhstan: "Pride of the nation-2017", "Bright star of the East-2018", "Best worker-2019", "Excellent student of education-2019", medal "25th anniversary" of the spiritual and cultural rehabilitation center "Ak ana", "Doctor of traditional medicine of the Republic of Kazakhstan-2023", "People's Medal of the doctor 2nd degree-2023" qualified specialist  with a scientific degree. In addition, Tulekova G.Kh is the winner of the 3rd place in the "Best Scientist" competition of Turan University in the 2021-2022 academic year.