By Исаков Топчубай Эргешович on Monday, 08 January 2018
Category: Дополнительные материалы


Isakov Topchubay Ergeshovich was born on February 11, 1957 in the village of Bash-Bulak, Karasuu district of Osh oblast of the Kyrgyz Republic.

In 1974, he graduated from secondary school III Internatsional of Karasu district. Having finished school, he entered the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of the Osh State Pedagogical Institute (currently Osh State University), and graduated in 1978 with honors.

From 1980 to 1994, he worked as a senior lecturer of the Chair of Informatics and Computer Engineering of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of the Osh State University.

In 1985, he attended a course of training and professional development at the Kalinin State University (Tver city) in Moscow oblast the theme of which was "Basis of Informatics and Computer Technology".

Since 1995, he has been working at the Kyrgyz-Uzbek University (KUU), for many years he led the Training and Information centre of the university, and then he worked as a Director of the Training Department where several structures were responsible for the quality of training specialists.

In January 2011, by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic he was appointed as a vice-rector for studies of KUU, and from 2013 as a vice-rector for part-time studies.

In 2007, T. E. Isakov with the decision of the higher attestation commission of the Kyrgyz Republic was awarded with the academic title of associate professor on "Pedagogy" specialty. On May 18, 2016 he defended a candidate thesis and by the higher attestation commission of the Kyrgyz Republic (minutes No. 9K-1/43 from 24.11.2016 )  a scientific degree of the Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences has been conferred upon him.

Isakov T. E. conducts a big ongoing scientific and methodological work. He is the author of 11 educational-methodical manuals and textbooks on the problems of teaching mathematics and informatics in schools and universities of Kyrgyzstan. He published more than 30 scientific and methodological articles, and 13 articles were published by h-index in the RSCI.

Concurrently he leads the scientific-research centre “Pedagogy and Innovative Technologies” of the university and together with young scientists and applicants conducts scientific-methodological researches.

Under the supervision of  T. E. Isakov, post-graduate A. Atabaev is working on a candidate thesis on “Pedagogical aspects of training university teachers to work in conditions of credit system of education”.

He conducts research work in the framework of scientific projects funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic:

- 2012-2013, “Development and study of methods of application of electronic methodical complexes for natural and mathematical disciplines in higher and secondary professional educational institutions under the credit technology of training”;

- 2016-2017, “Development of teaching methods based on innovative technologies”;

- 2017-2018, “Methodology of development of the lessons for interactive whiteboards (on the example of mathematics and computer science)”.

For the textbook “Let’s work with interactive whiteboard” he received the copyright certificate №2551 of Kyrgyzpatent (No. 2551, Bishkek, 2015).

Isakov T. E. has 43 years of continuous teaching experience. He is distinguished, trustworthy, modest and reliable. He is very respected at the university and considered to be the best mentor for younger colleagues.

For achievements in educational activities, Isakov T. E. was awarded with the following departmental and state awards: Certificate of  Merit  of youth of Kyrgyzstan (1986), Honored worker of science of the Kyrgyz Republic (2002), Honorary certificate of Osh town council (2003,2017), Honorary diploma of the Ministry of Education and Cululture (2004), Diploma of Jogorku Kenesh (Parliament) of the Kyrgyz Republic (2007), Honorary diploma of the Kyrgyz Republic (2008), Excellence award  of the civil service union movement of education and science of the Kyrgyz Republic (2009), Honorary diploma of the Osh oblast state administration (2009).

Married, father of 4 children and grandfather of 12 grandchildren.