By Жданов Сергей Александрович on Tuesday, 17 February 2015
Category: Дополнительные материалы


Sergey Zhdanov, born August 27, 1955 n. Borovoy Kemerovo region. In 1972 graduated from high school number 7 of Ust-Kamenogorsk. In 1977 he graduated from the Faculty of Mining Kuzbass Polytechnic Institute (Kemerovo), specializing in "Mineral" and was qualified as "mining engineer-dressing."

      From 1977 to 1978 he worked as an engineer technologist crushing and screening plant expedition № 111. From 1978 to 1983 he was transferred to the Irtysh polymetallic combine, where he worked as a skilled worker, then chief engineer of the concentrator. From 1983 to 1984 he worked as zav.gruppoy Institute VNIItsvetmet.

     In 1984, the contract went to work at the mine in the Far North "Indigirzoloto" ON "Yakutzoloto." Here until 1989 worked as a foreman concentrator overman career, senior technologist dresser mine.

      In 1989 he was transferred to Susumansky Mining software "Severovostokzoloto." Here worked as head of enrichment section of the mine, mainly dresser Susumansk GOK. In 1998 he left for permanent residence in East Kazakhstan

      There he worked as chief dresser of mining communities, zav.gruppoy design institute "Kazgiprotsvetmet" Chief of the body processing factory, deputy chief and director of the processing plant in "Kazakhmys" corporation. From 2000 to 2004 he worked as chief dresser JSC MMC "AltynAimak", from 2004 to 2007. - The main dresser LLP "Satpaevsk Titanium Mines". Since 2007 and currently working in LLP "Altai Ken-Bayytu" as the head of production and technical department.

      During his studies, and in the period of employment was repeatedly encouraged thanks and monetary awards, in 2000, working on Belousovsky concentrator awarded car. Was a business trip in Peru (1992), Canada (1996), China (2005), Sweden (2011).

      I have made about 40 scientific papers, technical regulations and technological parts of projects rudopererabatyvayuschih productions, works on implementation of new technologies and production start-up. The main specialization -processing gold ore and sand.

      When my participation resolved questions:

      - Introduction avtokonteynernogospoloska gateway washing devices at the mine "Olchan";

      - The introduction of the transport and processing complexes in the development of permafrost gold sands;

      - Introduction of new technologies and commissioning shlihoobogatitelnoy plant at the mine "Cold";

      - Implementation of cyanide to extract gold mine concentrator "Light";

      -introduction new technologies pyrometallurgical produce gold from gravity concentrates;

      - Introduction bestsianidnoy technology for the enrichment of polymetallic ores Belousovsky field;

      - Reconstruction of the technological scheme Belousovsky concentrator;

      - Reconstruction of the technological scheme of Mykolayiv concentrator

      - Introduction of enrichment refractory gold ores of "Bolshevik";

     - Commissioning of the concentrator enrichment of titanium ores Satpaev deposit;

      - Commissioning of gold recovery plant on the field "Sekisovskoe."

       Since 2007 he is the chief expert engineering firm firm "Oriental Co.Ltd". Take an active part in international conferences on mining and metallurgy at the International Exhibition MiningWorld Center Asia.

        In November 2014 was elected a corresponding member of the International Informatization Academy.