By Тулеуханов Султан Тулеуханович on Thursday, 09 June 2016
Category: Дополнительные материалы


I am Tuleuhanov S.T.  and I was born May 27, 1951 in the October village from  Almaty region.

In 1968 I graduated from the secondary school named after Hero of the Soviet Union Musabek Sengirbaeva  and  in the same year I  entered the Faculty of Biology of the Kazakh State University named by  Kirov. In 1973  I graduated from the Department of  Biophysics, Faculty of Biology of the University (now the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University).

Since 1973 I has been working  in  the Kazakh National University. Al-Farabi - intern researcher, graduate student, junior researcher, senior researcher, senior lecturer, associate professor, professor, deputy, dean of biological faculty for academic affairs, director of the Institute of Biology and Biotechnology, University Vice-Rector for Student Affairs, Director of the Institute of Advanced Training of teachers of high schools RK, Head of the Department of Biophysics and Biomedicine of the Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology.

In 1981 I defended my thesis on the theme: "On the daily dynamics of the optical and electrical properties of biologically active points of human skin or animals" on a specialty-human and animal physiology (03.00.13).
In 1997 he defended his doctoral thesis on "Hronofiziologiya bioactive points of humans and animals" on a specialty - human and animal physiology (03.00.13.). Academic rank of assistant professor awarded May 7, 1986, and was awarded the title of Professor February 12, 1999.

I am the scientific leader and main executor of a number of projects and research programs: "Research of  time organization of biophysical and physiological characteristics of the human body and animals in health and adaptation to extreme environmental factors"; "Study chronostructural parameters of the vital organs of the body in conditions of stress factors in the human environment"; "Study chronostructural parameters of the vital organs of the body in conditions of stress factors in the human environment"; "Research chronobiological mechanisms of action of stress factors on the functionality of the systems and methods of compensation of disturbed functions"; "Synthesis and study of the physiological and morphological mechanisms of action nanoenterosorbenta" Ingo-2 "on the body of animals"; "Development of technology for bio-diesel, bio-fuel, as well as oils under supercritical fluids"; "Development of scientific bases of selection of highly effective herbal remedies from some of the plants growing in the arid zone of Kazakhstan"; "Research mielostimuliruyuschih properties of herbal remedies"; "Physiological and biochemical evaluation of farmed fish (sturgeon) with specialized feeding forage and impact immunomodulator"; "Development of scientific bases of selection of highly effective herbal remedies from some of the plants growing in the arid zone of Kazakhstan", and others.

 Is the supervisor of master's, master's and doctoral theses. Under my leadership, defended 40 master's, 14 master's and 4 PhD thesis.
I am a specialist in the field of applied biophysics, ecological physiology, chronobiology, chronomedicine, acupuncture and Nanobiology.

I have published more than 600 scientific works, including monographs, textbooks, manuals, methodical, pre-patents, patents and copyright certificates.
In 2000 he was elected a full member (academician) of the International Informatization Academy, in 2006 he was elected a full member (academician) of the National Academy of Sciences of the Higher School of Kazakhstan, in 2015 he was elected a corresponding member of RAE (Russian Federation), and was awarded the honorary title "Honored Worker of Science and Education "PAE (RF), and in 2016 was awarded the honorary title" Founder of scientific school chronobiological "PAE (RF). 

I am a two-time winner of the competition "The best teacher of the university RK" (2008, 2014), the best teacher of the Faculty of Biology KazNU. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (2008), holder of the State scholarship for outstanding contribution to the development of science and technology (2008-2009., 2010-2011., 2012 and 2014.), was awarded the Honorary Diploma of the President of Kazakhstan NA Nazarbayev (2009), Medal of A.Baitursynov (2009), the Order «Labore et scientia - Labor and knowledge" PAE (Russia, 2015).

I am a member of: the Academic Council of the Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology KazNU. Al-Farabi, NTS Research Institute of Biology and Biotechnology at the Kazakh National University. Al-Farabi, administration and the Academic Council, the editorial boards of scientific journals ". Bulletin of the KNU series biological", "Bulletin of the KNU Environmental Series." "Іzdenіs-Search", "Valeology: Theory and Practice", "Problems of evolution of open systems" , the Higher scientific and technical Commission for biological Sciences of RK Cabinet, the expert commission of the Presidium of the Committee for control of education and science of Kazakhstan, the expert committee for awarding the State Prize in the field of biological and agricultural sciences RK (2010-present).

I am an active participant in international and national scientific conferences, and  lectured in the following countries: Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Egypt, Pakistan, Germany, Canada, Ecuador, the United States, Israel, South Korea, Turkey, Spain.

The most important publications:

  1. О физико-химических механизмах действия лазерного излучения. Алма-Ата: МВ и ССО КазССР. – 1986. – 47 с.
  2. Оценка состояний биокибернетических систем по биоритмологическим показателям на принципах распознавания образов. – М.: ИКИ. – 1994. – 41 с.
  3. Хронобиология и хрономедицина. – Алматы: Қазақ университеті. – 1996. – 203 с.
  4. Ритм, здоровье, жизнь. - Алматы: Қазақ университеті. – 1998. – 245 с.
  5. Временная организация биологических систем. - Алматы: Қазақ университеті. – 1999. – 157 с.
  6. Физиология человека и животных. - Алматы: Қазақ университеті. – 2001. – 128 с.
  7. Эндокринология. - Алматы: Қазақ университеті. – 2002. – 219 б.
  8. Қалыпты физиология. - Алматы: Қазақ университеті. – 2006. – 141 б.
  9. Очерки альтернативной медицины. - Алматы: Қазақ университеті. – 2007. – 163 с.
  10. Адам физиологиясы. - Алматы: Қазақ университеті. – 2007. – 308 б.
  11. Биофизика. -Алматы: «Полиграфкомбинат» ЖШК. - 2012. 304 с.
  12. Предпатент РК № 6009. Способ оценки функционального состояния млекопитающего. Официальный бюллетень. Алматы, № 3-1 (23), 1998, с.75.
  13. Предпатент РК №6010. Способ оценки функционального состояния млекопитающего по структурным параметрам биологических ритмов. Официальный бюллетень. Алматы, № 3-1 (23), 1998, с.75.
  14. Предпатент РК № 6011.Способ Тулеуханова оценки функционального состояния млекопитающего по структурным параметрам биологических ритмов. Официальный бюллетень. Алматы, № 3-1 (23), 1998.
  15. Иммуностимулирующее средство. Инновационный патент № 25858. Заявка № 2011/0799.1 от 14.07.2011г. Опубликовано 16.07.2012 г. бюлл. № 7.
  16. Применение комплекса оксалата 1-(2-этоксиэтил)-4-ацетилокси-4-нонилпиперидина с ß-циклодекстрином в качестве иммуностимулирующего средства. Инновационный патент № 25859. Заявка № 2011/0800.1 от 14.07.2011г. Опубликовано 16.07.2012 г. бюлл. № 7.
  17. Способ получения иммуностимулирующего средства. Инновационный патент № 27707. -Бюлл. № 12, с.1-6. 18.12.13 г.
  18. Способ получения иммуностимулирующего средства из растительного сырья. Инновационный патент № Заявка № 2013/0956.1 от 18.07.2013 г. Зарег. в Госреестре изобр. РК 16.05.2014 г.           
  19. Способ получения экологически безопасного топлива. Инновационный патент № 30549. Заявка № 2014/1937.1 Зарег. в Госреестре изобр. РК 21.10.2015 г. и др.
  1. Effect of Perfluorodecalin on Viability of Ehrlich Ascites Tumor Cells  under Conditions of Hypoxia. (импакт-фактор 0,366) Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicina, Vol. 152. No. 3. January, 2012 Oncology. - р. 353-356.
  2. Effect of the nanostructured carbon sorbent “Ingo-2” and cadmium chloride on limfodynamic and composition of lymph. Advanced Materials Research Vols. 602-604(2013) pp 273-277 Online available  since 2012/Dec/13 at (2013) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland. (Impact Factor 0,144).
  3. Влияние перфтордекалина на жизнеспособность клеток асцитной карциномы Эрлиха в условиях гипоксии. Бюлл. экспер.биологии и медицины (импакт-фактор 0,305). т.152, вып.9. - М.- 2011. - с.323-326.
  4. Противораковое действие этанольного экстракта листьев облепихи (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) на клетки острой миелоидной лейкемии человека in vitro ж. Бюлл.экспер.биологии и медицины. - М., 2014.  Том 158, № 8. - с. 221-225 (импакт-фактор 0,366).
  1. Tumor microenvironment promotes dicarboxylic acid carrier-mediated of succinate to fuel prostate cancer mitochondria. // Amer.J. Cancer Res. 2015, 5(5)/ P – 1665-1679 (Impact Factor 2,987).
  2. Research of the Mechanism of Recognition of Cancer Cells by T-lymphocytes of Immune System. Physics and Chemistry of this Mechanism. // Research Journal of Medical Sciences. 2015, 9(4). P. – 237-239 (Impact Factor 2,097).
  3. Cooperative antiproliferative and differentiation – enhancing activity of medicinal plant extracts in acute myeloid leukemia cells. // Biomedicine Pharmacotherapy. 2016, 82. – P. 80-89 (Impact Factor 2,167).


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