By Аубакир Жандос Магазбекулы on Monday, 10 October 2022
Category: Дополнительные материалы



Aubakir Zhandos Magarbekuly was born on October 3, 1975 in Semey.

In 1992 he graduated from the secondary school named after Kokbay of the Abay region with a gold medal.

In 1992-1996 he studied at the «Semey» state university, becoming the holder of a diploma with honors.

Since September 1, 1996-lecturer of the department of kazakh literature, since december-a postgraduate student of this university.

2001 - lecturer at Semipalatinsk State University named after Shakarim.

2002-2003 - deputy dean of  the faculty of full-time department of Semipalatinsk University named after Auezov.

2003-2006 - Vice-Rector for socio-economic work of Semipalatinsk University named after Auezov.

2006-2007 - Vice-Rector for Research and International Relations of Semipalatinsk State University named after Shakarim.

2007-2008 - Dean of the Philological Faculty of Semipalatinsk State University named after Shakarim.

2008-2009 - Director of the Center for innovation and postgraduate education of Semipalatinsk University named after Auezov.

2009-2010 - Director of the Shakarim Research Center of Semipalatinsk State University named after Shakarim.

2010-2015 - Director of the State Historical-Cultural and Literary-Memorial Reserve-Museum of Abai «Zhidebai-Borili».

2015-2017 - Director  of  the State Historical and Cultural Reserve-Museum «Azret Sultan».

In 2017-2018  served as General Director of RSE «Kazrestavratsiya».

In 2019 Leading Researcher at the Department of Abay Studies at the Institute of  Literature and Art named after Auezov.

In 2019-2020 Director of the State Historical-Cultural and Literary-Memorial Reserve-Museum of Abai «Zhidebai-Borili».

In 2020 - Director of the Abay Institute of the Shakarim State University of Semey.

Since 2021 Director of the Research Institute «Abay Academy», L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University.


Additional information:

in 1999, at the Institute of Literature and Art named after Auezov, he defended his Cand.Sc. thesis on the topic «Literary heritage of  Kokbay Zhanatayuly».

Grant of the Republic of  Kazakhstan «The best teacher of the university» in 2008.

in 2009 he was awarded the badge «Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan».

in 2015 he was awarded the jubilee medal «Kazakhstan Constitutionyasyna 20 Zhyl».

in 2015 he was awarded the order «Kurmet».

in 2016 he was awarded the jubilee medal «25 years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan».

in 2018 he was awarded the anniversary medal «Astana-20 zhyl»;

in 2020 he was awarded «Algys» from the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

in 2021 he was awarded «Algys» from the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.