By Ахметова Шолпан Даулетовна on Friday, 23 July 2021
Category: Дополнительные материалы


Akhmetova Sholpan Dauletovna

After graduating from the specialized school with in-depth study of the English language No. 120 (Alma-Ata), she entered the Kazakh Polytechnic Institute named after V. I. Lenin. In 1980, she graduated with honors from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. She completed full-time postgraduate studies at the Department of Lifting and Transport Machines and Hydraulics. Within the walls of the university, she worked her way from an assistant and teacher to the head of the department of Lifting and Transport Machines and Hydraulics.

The total work experience is 40 years, of which 38 years are scientific and pedagogical. More than 50 articles have been published, two innovative patents for the invention have been obtained, two textbooks have been published.

He is an associate member of the Scientific and Methodological Council "Lifting, transport, construction, road machinery and equipment" of MAADO (International Association of Automobile and Road Education), Moscow; an expert of the Republican Scientific and Practical Center for the Examination of the content of education "Textbook"; an expert of the scientific and technical journal "Science News of Kazakhstan".

At the invitation of the Higher School of Education of Nazarbayev University, a training program was held for leading employees of Kazakhstan universities in order to support the implementation of the State Program of Industrial and Innovative Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Since it is relevant for Kazakhstan to study and implement effective foreign models of integration of science, education and production, adapting them to local conditions, tasks, financial and legal system, she passed one of the modules of the program at Ritsumeikan University, Biwako Kusatsu Campus, etc. (Japan). She attended lectures on research, technology, and engineering in Japan related to innovation and entrepreneurship in higher education and research. Upon graduation, she received certificates "Training Program on Research and Knowledge Exchange of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education with Japan Universities", "Eurasian Higher Education Leaders Forum", "Professional Development Program for Higher Education Leaders of Kazakhstan".

She was awarded for active participation in public life, for conscientious work with the "Airyksha enbegi usin" medal, Honorary certificates of "Kurmet gramotasy" of the university. She was also awarded the medal named after Wilhelm Leibniz, established by the European Scientific and Industrial Consortium for the contribution recognized by the world community to the development of technical sciences.

Full member of the International Academy of Informatization.