By Оразова Сапура Султановна on Friday, 04 December 2020
Category: Дополнительные материалы


Sapura Sultanovna Orazova

Academician of the International Academy of Informatization

Master of Social Sciences


Business coach

Consultant-expert on social and labor relations

Member of the team of authors for the book "Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Article-by-article practical commentary" 2016



Management experience over 25 years

Successful Team Management

Organizational structure formation, corporate and strategic management of the company, personnel management system construction, personnel certification, personnel training, retraining and development, training and conflict resolution, mediation.


Career development

Organization and conduct of seminars and trainings

Taking into account the experience of more than 22 years in the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Population in the Republic of Kazakhstan and interaction with other Ministries and departments, have the opportunity to provide assistance in consultation on regulatory acts.


Graduated from Karaganda Polytechnic Institute of Engineering-economist


Karaganda Polytechnic Institute - engineer of design department


Factory of sports products "Dynamo" in Petropavlovsk - Senior Economist


Eximbank of Kazakhstan, Almaty - engineer of design analysis department


Chief State Labor Inspector for Astana Department of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan


Director of the Department of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Astana


RSU "Advanced Training Courses for Social and Labor Personnel in

Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan- Director 

01.04.2019-till now

Multidisciplinary Institute LLP - Director


Additional information

  1. Methodological manual to explain the main provisions and to investigate industrial accidents. “Labour Safety and Legislation” (2012). Member of authors team;
  2. Member of authors team in the development and preparation of comments for the new Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2015);
  3. NAO "Kazakhstan Institute of Public Development" Rukhani zhangyru"as an expert participated in the Conference on the results of forsite research in the field of modernization of public consciousness. The studies were carried out with the assistance of Ministry of Information and Public Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan (22.08.2020).



  1. Knowledge of laws is the key to success, 2011;
  2. Qualification Improvement is the necessity, 2016;
  3. Increasing professional competence of a social worker through advanced training courses, 2017;
  4. Training of managers and specialists in the field of safety and labour protection. SCIENCE AND WORLD, 2018.

Constant participation in international forums, congresses, symposia, conferences, seminars, exhibitions, press conferences, presentations, trainings, receptions, industry meetings.


Awards, honors,

“Ерен енбеги үшін” medal


Jubilee medal to the 10th Anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan


Jubilee medal to the 20th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan


Medal "Veteran of Labor"


Medal to the 10th anniversary of Astana


Medal "Әлеуметтік-енбек саланың үздігі"


Medal "Enbek Ardageri"


Jubilee medal "Қазақстан Конституциясына 20 жыл"



Personal qualities


- the ability to hold the attention of the audience;

- the ability to state the material clearly, accessible

- the ability to involve the audience into discussion on the topic of seminar, training, activate training;

- the ability to use modern scientific data, including the results of international organizations work;

- negotiation issues at various levels;

- blitz survey based on the results of seminar;

- feedback to listeners;

- development of skills to explain the material;

- visibility: slides, drawings, diagrams, videos, consideration of situation moments, brainstorming, role-playing games.


Seminars and office trainings for organizations heads, heads of structural divisions, departments, lawyers, personnel managers on topics: "State supervision and monitoring of compliance with labour legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan", "Issues of labor relations regulation within the framework of the Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan", "Procedure for considering individual labor dispute (conciliation commission)", "Procedure for considering a collective labor dispute (conciliation commission, labor arbitration, settlement)", "Peculiarities of labor regulation of certain categories of workers", "Standardization and remuneration", "Social Partnership and Collective Relations at Work", "Personnel Management", "Organization and management of the personnel service at the enterprise", "Industrial safety", "Safety and health at the enterprise" "Development of social partnership in the prevention and resolution of labor conflicts", "Training as a means of increasing the value of the organization's human resources", "Conflict situations and their resolution", Training program "Personnel selection", "Personnel documentation", "Personnel certification", "Staff motivation", "Issues of social protection within the framework of legislation", holding online conferences, seminars. Participation in the examination of normative legal acts on social and labor issues, social services.


Conducting seminars, trainings in numerous companies and organizations on clarification and application of legislation (based on experience) has enabled cooperation with the following companies:


RGCP "Republican Research Institute of Labor Protection";

Oil and Gas Institute JSC;

JSC "Kazakhstan Temir Zholy";

JSC "KazTransCom;

Vagonservis JSC;

LLP "Қайрат Құрылыс";

JSC Energoproekt Visokogradnya Belgrade;

Branch of JSC "National Company" Kazakhstan Temir Zholy"-"Center for Evaluation and Development of Railway Transport Personnel";

Жаңа-Есіл Phoenix LLP;

JSC "Өрт сөндіруші";


NJSC "Television and radio complex of the President of Kazakhstan";

“Severny” branch of Kaztransservice JSC;

Pronto-Akmola LLP;

Nuclear Technology Park JSC;

Joint-Stock Company “Локомотив құрастыру зауыты”;


ORDA-Astana LLP;

Joint-Stock Company "Kazakh Research and Design Institute of Construction and Architecture";

Sinichka LLP;

Agricultural Credit Corporation JSC;

Aksaigazservice JSC;

Private institution "Corporate University" Samruk-Kazyna";

Transport Service Center JSC;

Fuel and Energy Complex-KAZAKHSTAN LLP;

KazTransOil JSC;

Tengizshevroil LLP;

«ArgymakTransService» LLP;

«University ServiceManagement» Private Company;

JSC "Station-service";

Port Kuryk LLP;

National Information Technologies JSC;


Corporate University "Samruk-Kazyna".