By Альмурзаева Бибигуль Келисовна on Tuesday, 12 January 2016
Category: Дополнительные материалы


Almurzayeva Bibigul Kelisovna was born on January 3 1972 in Aktobe in a family of a doctor and an engineer. 1979-1986 years she finished the basic school school №1 Aktobe. 1986-1991 she graduated from Aktobe Pedagogical College, 1991-1996 - Aktobe State University named after K.Zhubanov.

Pedagogical activity began in 1991 as a primary school teacher: 1991-1998- secondary school №8, 1998-2003- secondary school №19 Aktobe. During this period was built the professional growth within the teacher- practician - head of methodical association - the head teacher of a primary school.

In 2003-2007 she worked as the methodologist of the city scientific and methodological coordination center of the city department of education Aktobe, where she was responsible for methodological support of training and upbringing in a primary school.

In 2007-2012 she worked as deputy director on experimental work in Aktobe regional institute of improvement of qualification and retraining of staff.

In 2010 she defended her candidate dissertation on the subject "Pedagogical features of self-development of the teacher’s personality of modern school" of the cipher 13.00.01 - General Pedagogics, History of Pedagogics and education, Pedagogics.

In the Aktobe State University named after K.Zhubanov works since 2012. In 2013 - 2015 - Chairman of the learning-methodical council of the Institute of Pedagogics the ARSU named after K.Zhubanov. In 2014-2015 she is a member of the working committee on the improvement of the learning process of university departments.

In 2015 under the guidance of B.K.Almurzayeva a group of scientists of Kazakhstan universities won grant funding of scientific research the Committee of Science of MES RK on the theme "Integration of rural resource centers and independent   small schools into an unified educational informational technological park (the supporting basic school based on the university)”.Under the project were established international contacts:

1) Russia - Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (Professor N.Y.Stukova) - scientific conferences, scientific schools, membership RANS;

2) Russia - Orenburg State Pedagogical University (Associate Professor G.N.Muss) - scientific cooperation;

3) Canada - Centre of Contemporary Pedagogics (Professor G.A.Rudik) - advanced training courses;

4) Poland - Eastern Europe Researches Centre of the Warmin- Mazur University of Olsztyn (Professor A. Kiklevich) - scientific school;

5) Italy – Università di Bari Aldo Moro – Facoltà di Scienze della Formazione Taranto (Coordinator Vincenzo Nunzio Scalcione) - scientific cooperation;

6) Finland - School Joensuu (Professor Risto Korpelainen) - exchange of experience, scientific conference;

7) Austria - Pedagogical University Linz (Prof. Hans Sahl) - scientific internship;

8) Germany - Educational Center Dusseldorf (Professor Mikhailov, NB) - seminar training.

B.K.Almurzayeva published a series of teaching aids, monographs: "Self-development of professional activity the teacher" (2008), "Personal and professional development of the teacher" (2008, co-author.) "Monitoring and evaluation of learning activities of pupils: new guidelines "(2011)," Self-cognition"(2013, co-author)”, “The training and upbringing process in the independent   small schools "(2015)," Self-development teacher's personality of the modern school: methodological aspect "(2015, monograph), "Using the dialog learning in the teaching process in rural schools" (2015, co-author.); author of over 50 publications in native and foreign editions.

 B.K.Almurzayeva teaching students to the profession of the social teacher organized a volunteer club "Thank". The work is conducted with the Aktobe regional society of invalids, Regional Rehabilitation Center for children with special needs, the regional center of the temporary adaptation of minors, Alga orphanage.

 B.K.Almurzayeva is successfully engaged in scientific work. She is the author of several scientific papers, scientific supervisor of student and pedagogical researches; one of the organizers of a series of international and national conferences (2003 - 2012 years), which was attended by well-known scientists of Kazakhstan and the CIS countries; permanent speaker at national and international conferences held in the cities of Astana, Almaty, Aktobe, Istanbul, Czech Republic, Massafra, Cyprus, Orenburg, Belovo, Kiev, Tula.

She is systematically working on improving the educational process and increasing the level of pedagogical skills. In 2015, she passed advanced training courses of tiered training program faculty, developed by the Centre of pedagogical skills of "Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools" in conjunction with the Faculty of Pedagogics, University of Cambridge. She is a member of pedagogical association “SPRING-2015”:;"Novator, an innovative teacher»

B.K.Almurzayeva is characterized by active citizenship and participates in public life of the university, the city and the region. Since 2005 a member of the information and propaganda groups on the annual Presidential Address the people of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev in the educational institutions of Aktobe.

She has diplomas of the Aktobe regional department of education (2010, 2012), rector of the State University of Aktobe regional named after K.Zhubanov, letters of gratitude from the Regional Center of Educational Development Orenburg (Russia, 2010), rector of Pavlodar Pedagogical Institute (2013), rector of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai (2014).

B.K.Almurzayeva passes her large research and teaching experience to young teachers, undergraduates and students.

B.K.Almurzayeva is a careful mother, brings up the daughter Diana, who is trained at the Higher School of Economics, the Czech Republic (Prague).