By Османов Жасым Джафарович on Tuesday, 07 April 2020
Category: Дополнительные материалы


Osmanov Zhasym Dzhafarovich was born on April 4, 1976, in the city of Taraz.

1992 - finished Kuplastovskaya Secondary School (Almaty region, Enbekshikazakh district).

1996 - graduated from Kaz NAU (Agricultural Institute), Faculty of Economics, major in “Economics and Management in the Agro-Industrial Complex”.

1999 - 2000 - a manager at the Narodnyy Bank.

2001 - 2003 - an operator at KazPost.

2004 up to present - work at the Institute of Economics, Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. While working at the Institute I was awarded a number of diplomas and certificates.


Projects Participation:


2003-2005 - “The financial mechanism of state regulation of the economy of Kazakhstan in the context of globalization”;

2006-2008 – “The financial support for modernization and dynamic development of Kazakhstani economy”;

2009-2011 – “The balanced development of the financial and credit system as a factor in the growth of the competitiveness of the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the context of the global financial instability: strategy and mechanisms”;

          2012-2014 - “The development of ways to solve the problem of balancing the mining and processing sectors in the oil and gas complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan”;

2014 – “The priorities of gender policy in the framework of the new political course “Kazakhstan - 2050”;

2015 -2017 – “The structural transformations of the Caspian oil and gas region in order to increase industry efficiency and energy security”;

2015 -2017 – “The integration effect of cooperation in the Eurasian Economic Union”;

          2018-2020 - “The diversification and the growth of highly technological export of Kazakhstan: mechanisms and priorities”.


2006 – the publication of a brochure “Improving the efficiency of the use of national fund funds”.


On September 20, 2007, defended Ph.D. thesis on the topic: “Effective development of offshore fields in the oil and gas complex of Kazakhstan: assessment and mechanisms”, 08.00.05 - Economy and management of the national economy (by industries and fields of activity), scientific supervisor - Egorov O. I., Doctor of Economics, Professor. 


2007 - 2013, worked at the University of “Turan”, the department of “World and National Economy”, read the economic course “Business Economics”, “Environmental Economics” and “Organization of Production”.


2008 – up to present, work at the University of International Business, the Department of “Management and Business”, read the course “Marketing”, “Strategic Marketing” and “Marketing Research”.


2008 – published a collective monograph, the Institute of Economics of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan: “The Sustainable Development of Kazakhstan in the context of globalization: Models, Strategies, Priorities and Implementation Mechanisms”.


May 2012 - became a member of the Association of the Eurasian Economic Club of Scientists.


2012 – issued a collective monograph “The Balanced Development of the Financial and Credit System of Kazakhstan”.


2013 – issued a collective monograph, the Institute of Economics of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan: “The New Economic Course of a Successful State: Suggestions and Recommendations for Implementing the Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, N. N. Nazarbayev to people of Kazakhstan “Strategy: Kazahstan-2050”.


2014 - issued an individual monograph, “The Development of Offshore Fields in the Oil and Gas Complex of Kazakhstan: Economic Assessment and Mechanisms”.


2015 – issued a collective monograph “The Gender policy in Kazakhstan: Global Challenges and Prospects”.


2015 - became an expert in the field of economics of “KIPR” analytical group (Club of the Institute of Political Decisions).


On January 26, 2016, became a professor at the Russian Academy of Natural Science, was awarded the title - Honored Worker of Science and Education, was included in the encyclopedia “Famous scientists of Russia”.


2016 - issued an individual monograph: “The Competitiveness of the Oil and Gas Complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan and its Clusterization: Theory, Methodology, and Strategy”.


2017 – was included in “The Life in Science. The Scientists of the Republic of Kazakhstan”.


April 22, 2018 – was appointed Vice President at the Republican Kurdish Cultural Center “Barbang”.

         In June 2018 - was a representative of the Ministry on Unified National Testing (UNT), the city of Rudnyy, North-Kazakhstan region.

On March 26-29, 2019 - was the chairman of the UNT commission of the Ministry, Alakol district, Almaty region.


2019 - published a monograph: “The Oil and Gas Complex of the Caspian Region: Potential, Projects, and Prospects”.


On June 20 -25 2019 - was the chairman of the UNT commission of the Ministry, Burabay district, Akmola region (the city of Shuschensk).


March 1, 2020 - became a member of the editorial board of the magazine “Socio-Economic Phenomena and Processes”, Russia.