By Бабашев Виктор Нургалиевич on Monday, 18 November 2019
Category: Дополнительные материалы


Babashev Victor Nurgaliyevich

He was born on 28.07.1978 in Atyrau. Kazakh. Lives in Almaty.

      Director of Timal Consulting GroupLLP company, PhD in Technical Sciences, academic of  International Informatization Academy (IIA, Almaty), current member of KONG, SPE.

      Babashev Victor Nurgaliyevich after the graduation of  Moscow oil and gas institute named after Gubkin with a degree in economist and manager of oil and gas projects in  2000 has started his employment in Schlumberger company in the position of  Manager of Business Development in Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan on introduction of Petrel and Eclipse software programs for geological and hydrodynamic models creation. These experience and knowledge of  specialized software helped him in the further work in the position of Vice-president in Tamko LLP, where his duties included the creation geological and hydrodynamic models in the projects of developing and  reserve calculation. Since 2010 – till present he works as a Director of  Timal Consulting Group LLP company. During his work he has done the geological and hydrodynamic models creation for the projects of   developing and Hydrocarbon reserve calculation, TES ORF, economic models creation, technical and economical analyze of developing variants under  SRD with major international companies such as AGIP KCO (NCOC), KPO, TCO, SNPS, affiliated companies of Kazmunaigaz NC and other for Karachaganak, Kashagan, Kalamkas sea, Zhanazhol, Kenkiyak pre salt, Alibekmola, Kozhasay, Akshabulak Central oil fields  and etc.

      In 2010 he has  completed a dissertation in specialty «Oil and Gas Field Development and Operation» with a science degree of PhD. He has MBA degree. Periodically takes advanced training courses in different countries.

     Babashev Viktor Nurgalievich is the author of many publications, articles, scientific works on the rationale for the use of the latest modeling technologies in the development of deposits of various saturations, published in many professional publications / magazines, such as: STM "Industry of Kazakhstan" Almaty 2007; Azerbaijan Oil Industry, 2007; Materials of the International scientific and technical conference "Innovative ways of development of the oil and gas industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan". - Almaty: KazNTU 2007; VNIIOENG: Moscow, 2008, Bulletin of the NAS of the Republic of Kazakhstan. - 2008; Materials of the International scientific-practical conference "KhazarNeftGazYatag". Baku, 2008; Bulletin of KBTU. - Almaty, 2009; STM "Oil and gas". Almaty, 2010, 2019 and many others.

      He is the developer and author of the following special software products used in the company::

     Professional skills in working with special Schlumberger software products (Petrel, ECLIPSE 100 (Black oil), ECLIPSE 300 (Compositional)), Rock flow dynamics (tNavigator) allowed him to professionally defend the vision of the design institute when recalculating our giant deposits reserves: Kashagan, Karachaganak, Kalamkas-sea and others, which allowed to increase geological and recoverable hydrocarbon reserves and, accordingly, increase the economic potential of our republic.

      Since 2007, he is an independent expert of the State Commission on Mineral Reserves of the Republic of Kazakhstan (SCMR RK).

      Since 2017, he is an independent expert of the Central Commission for the Exploration and Development of the Hydrocarbon Deposits of the Republic of Kazakhstan (CCED RK).

     He was awarded the medal and the title "Best Engineer of Kazakhstan in 2016" by the National Engineering Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 11, 2016.

      He was awarded the medal “Kazakhstan Munayyna 120 zhyl” by the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2019.

      He was awarded the lapel pin “Honorary Explorator of the depths of the Republic of Kazakhstan” for the great achievements of geology by the Committee of Geology of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 3, 2019.