By Гусейнова Гюльнара Джалаловна on Wednesday, 09 December 2015
Category: Дополнительные материалы


Born March 27, 1962 in Almaty. In 1979, after graduating the high school number 35 with a gold medal, entered in the Kazakh Polytechnic Institute. Completed Institute with honors in 1984 with a degree in "Automation and complex mechanization of metallurgical production."

From 1984 to 1986 worked as an engineer in Almaty Design Bureau of automated control systems, and from 1987 to 1992 - an engineer at the Almaty Experimental Mechanical Plant "Gidromash".

In 1993 – the trainee of the department of "Physical and Chemical Researches of Metallurgical Processes" in Kazakh National Technical University. 1994-95 – the graduate student of this department. 1994-95. - post-graduate student of the department. In 1995, ahead of her PhD on scientific degree of candidate of technical sciences, specialty 05.16.02 "Metallurgy ferrous and rare metals."

Since 1996, G. Guseynova working at the department "Metallurgical processes and technology of special materials" ("The physico-chemical studies of metallurgical processes") as lecturer and senior lecturer, since 2001 - as an associate professor. In 2003, she received a diploma of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Kazakhstan on awarding her rank of assistant professor. C 2003 to 2008 was the scientific secretary of the doctoral dissertation council D 14.50.07. Currently - expert -Consultant of the Center "Cooperation for Sustainable Development". During work was repeatedly marked thanked and certificates, including for the scientific management of student work.

The experience of scientific and pedagogical activity.

Research and teaching experience - 22 years. During this period, mastered the following courses: "Fundamentals of Metallurgy", "Corrosion and Protection of Metals", "Ferrous Metallurgy", "Heat", "The modeling and optimization of metallurgical processes", "Organization and planning of the experiment", "Basic scientific research" "Resonance methods", "Processes and devices of metallurgical production," "Control, regulation and control of metallurgical processes", "The refining industry in radioactive and precious metals", "Methods and tools for the analysis of the technological processes" and others.

Information about publications. The total amount - more than 120 of them in the last 5 years: 80 scientific and educational works: 41 Teaching Materials (9 in the state language), 1 article in a non-zero impact factor, indexed in the database Tomson Reuters and 3 reports of the International Conference in collections indexed in the database Scopus, the author of 2 training manuals (one sole and one in the state language), the monograph "The development of pyrometallurgical technology of recycling arsenic-gold ores and concentrates" and 1 textbook "The collection and processing of secondary metal-containing raw material" (sole recommended by Ministry of Education of Republic of Kazakhstan). Placed on lms.kaz.ntu, 15 public courses have a "very high rating."

Participation in scientific and technical programs, projects and other: 1. Applied of research project "Development of scientific bases and technologies of creating new advanced materials for various purpose." 2006-2008 years, responsible contractor.

  1. Applied of research work "Hardware design, improvement of existing plant and conduct technological tests of pyrometallurgical technology for processing gold-arsenic ores and concentrates" .2009-2011 years, performer.
  2. 2012-2014 – Executor of theme "Technology of neutralization of arsenic raw material.
  3. 2015-2017 - Senior Researcher of theme "Development of technology for metal powders and oxidized iron nanodispersed sizes."
  4. 2015-2017gg – Researcher of theme "Concentration and purification (refining) of solutions of non-ferrous metals".

Under the leadership of G. Guseynova each year are protected from 3 to 5 diploma (a diploma for 1st place in the All-Russian competition of degree projects, dissertations and master's theses in the field of metallurgy of the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys) and "excellent" reserved 5 master's theses, in 2015, led by doctoral student. November 6, 2015 elected a member of the International Academy of Informatization.