By Султангазинов Сулеймен Казиманович on Wednesday, 13 February 2019
Category: Дополнительные материалы


Sultangazinov Suleimen Kazimanovich, born in 1960 february 10, in Taldy Kurgan region, Burlyutobinsk area,  station Lepsy. From 1967 to 1977 he studied at high school № 255 Lepsy station. Prior military service he worked on Lepsinsk Hardware plant wiredrawer, then Burlyutobinsk PMK -2314 mason, Burlyutobinsk RО «КSHТ» as a working.

In 1978-1980 years passed military service in the Armed Forces of the Army. In 1980 he was admitted to the Matay distance signaling and communication electrician  PONAB-3 for station Lepsy.

In 1980-1981 he studied at the dortehscool Tselinograd city, where passed courses electrician PONAB-3. From 1983-1986 he studied at the Almaty College of Railway transport in the specialty «Automation, Remote control and communication».

In the 1981-1987 he worked as an electrician, foreman, senior electrician at PONAB-3, Lepsy stations, Karatas, Aktogay and Matai.

In 1988-1993 he studied at the Almaty Institute of  Railway Engineers in the specialty «Automation, Remote control and communication in rail  transport». After graduation was hired as assistant chair of automatics, telemechanics and communication on railway transport.

Then he was appointed Deputy Dean of the Faculty of electrical engineering (1994-1998). Working at the Department senior lecturer, graduated from the correspondence postgraduate studies 05.22.08-management of transportation process (including SCB). In this cipher in 2003 he defended his thesis « improvement of forecasting methods of transportation process on the railways» for the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences. In 2009 he defended his thesis for the degree of doctor of technical sciences   on the topic «Forecasting bearing top structure capacity railway at the efficient organization of mixed traffic» Decision of the Committee for Control of Education and Science of the republic of  Kazakhstan dated july 13, 2011 was awarded the academic title of professor in specialty vehicles. Currently head of the department of Automation and information systems Kazak university ways of communication (KUWC). I have more than 200 scientific publications, including teaching and learning aids. Married, I have a son, 4 daughters.