By Кизатов Бакытбек Курманбекович on Thursday, 07 February 2019
Category: Дополнительные материалы


My full name is Kizatov Bakytbek Kurmanbekovich. I was born on November 16th, 1962 in village Zhanalyk of the Tarbagatai district of the East Kazakhstan region. From 1970 to 1980 studied at the secondary school named after M.I Kalinin, village Zhanylyk.

After completing school in 1980, entered and in 1985 graduated from the Moscow Institute of Agricultural Production Engineers, a mechanical engineer. 1997-1999 also graduated from East Kazakhstan State University in absentia with a degree in Finance and Credit.

From 1985 to 1988  worked as an engineer in the department of metrology in the regional laboratory of standardization and metrology. Also worked as a senior engineer of departmental acceptance of the departmental office oversight of standards.

From February 1988 to March 1990,  served in the Soviet Army as a platoon commander, deputy company commander.

From 1990 to 1996 worked as Deputy Director of Rail Transportation, Chief  Engineer of the Regional logistics base of the East Kazakhstan Regional agrarian industrial equipment..

Since 1996 I have been working in the field of state control over the observance of legislation on labor and labor protection.

From 2001 to 2013 Director of the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population for East Kazakhstan region and from 2013 to the present  Head of the Office of the State Labor Inspectorate of the region.

I am married, wife- Kizatova Bagdagul Kumarkhanovna,  daughters: Assel, Assem  and granddaughter- Aizere.