By Куспармаков Ержан Шамгалиевич on Tuesday, 08 January 2019
Category: Дополнительные материалы


Kusparmakov Yerzhan Shamgalievich, was born on June 23, 1982 in the city of Almaty.

Corresponding member of International Informatization Academy, Professional Member of the New York Academy of Sciences, Master of Business Administration (MBA), Head of Product management at Samsung Electronics Central Eurasia.

In 1994 came on  the basis of selection testing to Physical and Mathematical school lyceum №166. During his studies at the school he was an active participant of additional educational activities and the winner of the Olympiads in physics and mathematics.

In 1996 received an official message of thanks for active participation in spring and autumn rounds of the International tournament of the cities on mathematics. In 1998 he received the diploma of the winner for the third place in the international tournament of cities in physics. In 1999 gained the diploma of the winner for the second place at the city Olympic Games on physics in Almaty. Also, in 1999 won at the physical and mathematical Olympic Games in Moscow and received from the leading technical University of Russia the letter of recommendation for diligence and tendency to the exact sciences to receipt in MIPT.

In 1999 entered on a grant the Kazakh National technical University on faculty of information technologies in computers, systems and networks. In 2004 successfully defended the thesis in KazNTU and the systems engineer received qualification.

Being a student, in 2003 Yerzhan Shamgalievich got to work in the Daryn-Systems company on a position the Programmer. For operating time in the company, he proved as the experienced developer and the author of several software products. In 2004 received the certificate on the state registration of intellectual property as one of authors of the client-server software "Expert" for the Agency of financial supervision at National Bank of Kazakhstan.

In 2005 passed into the KAR-Tel company with the Beeline trademark to the Expert's position in department of fraud management and revenue assurance. In 2006 he was transferred to a position of the Leading analyst.

Also, during the period from 2005 to 2007 studied on evening program of MBA in the International Academy of Business, protected master and the Master of Business Administration received degree.

During the period from 2007 to 2011 was the Leading expert of fraud management and revenue assurance in the KAR-Tel company with the Beeline trademark.

Further passed to work in the KazEuroMobile with trade mark “Azbuka Svyazi” on a position of the Leading analyst.

In 2013, he started working as a leading product Manager at Samsung electronics Central Eurasia.

Received the award “Best employee of the month for contributing to 70% of smartphone market share” in 2013. Then in 2014 he received two awards from Samsung electronics for high efficiency and accuracy of forecasting the supply of goods. In 2015, he was awarded “Best employee of the year in the CIS” by Samsung Electronics headquarters and was promoted.

From 2015 to the present time he has been working as a Head of Product management in the Department of Mobile devices Sales and responsible for six countries of the region of Central Asia: Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Mongolia.