By Цой Валерий Иванович on Monday, 20 April 2015
Category: Дополнительные материалы


Tsoy Valery Ivanovich, was born in Сарань of the Karaganda area, on is Septembers, 22 1951; married, three children.

After completion in 1972 the Karaganda polytechnic institute on speciality the "Mountain machines and complexes" remained to work as in him a research worker, teacher.

In 1975-1977 is a senior staff scientist, in 1978-1989 is a chief of technical department of scientific and production association on the device of foundations (Karaganda).

In 1989-1992 is an associate professor of Institute of increase of qualifications.

In 1989-2014 is a president-director of public association the "Karaganda methodological center".

In 1992-1998 is a chancellor of University (institute) of enterprise and management (with the private pattern of ownership) culture, Karaganda.

In 1998-2008 is a dean of faculty of enterprise and management, managing the department of Methodology of enterprise and management of the Karaganda state technical university.

In 2008-2009 is a pro-rector on innovations and strategic development of the Centrally-Kazakhstan university "МGTI-Lingva" (Karaganda).

In 2009-2010 is director of Center of innovations and strategic development ТОО "Business" (Astana).

In 2010-2012 is a methodology-consultant of Institute of in-plant training the "International professional academy of "Тuran-Profi".

In 2013-2014 is a director of department of technical and professional formation of the National chamber of businessmen of RК.

With 2014 for present tense is a director of private establishment "Academy of system analytic geometry and design".

December 1980 secured dissertation for the competition of graduate degree of candidate of engineering sciences in the Leningrad polytechnic institute the name of M.I. Каlinina on speciality 05.05.04 are the "Travelling, ground and building machines".

Made off the Moscow institute of foreign languages (1977), All-union school of culture of the parliamentary thinking at Academy of sciences of the USSR (1990).

Candidate of engineering sciences, corresponding member of the International academy of informatization, International economic academy of Eurasia, actual member of the International academy of innovative social technologies (Moscow), member of Strategic advice of the Moscow methodological consortium, member of Scientifically-methodical advice of association of "Analyst" at the Public chamber of RF.

I have 125 scientific reasons, 13 inventions and patents, 82 educational methodical works, worked out 5 branch scopes of qualifications and 27 professional standards.

Author of train aid:

Worked out and realized authorial educational courses (for master's degrees and students of institutions of higher learning on specialities "State and local administration", "Management", for teachers, civil servants and businessmen - within the framework of courses of in-plant training):

Experience of expert and consultative work:

Specialization the last years: development and realization of innovative methodological approaches and principles in the areas of culture of the analytical, pedagogical, administrative and enterprise thinking and activity, creation of innovative technology of concrete works.