By Алясова Марина Васильевна on Tuesday, 30 January 2018
Category: Дополнительные материалы


Alyassova Marina Vasilievna was born on December 29, 1966 in the city of Karaganda.

In 1989 graduated with honors from the Philological Faculty of Karaganda State University, majoring in "Philology. Teacher of Russian Language and Literature ". During my studies I graduated from the Moscow State correspondence courses on teaching foreign languages ​​"IN-YAZ" in parallel and mastered the English language.

From 1989 to 1990 worked as a teacher of Russian language and literature in Secondary school № 81 in Karaganda.

From 1991 to 2014 passed military service at the posts of officers in the Department of the National Security Committee of the RK in the Karaganda region. A lieutenant colonel in retirement.

Simultaneously with 1994 for 2004 yy. taught English in school № 3 in Karaganda.

In 2010 successfully graduated from the Adjuncture of the Academy of the National Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

In 2016, underwent professional retraining at the Institute of Integrative Psychology and Psychotherapy for an additional professional program "Practical Psychology: Counseling."

Work in the field of coaching and psychology began in 2014, graduating from the Author's School of Coaching Ph.D. Konstantin Dovlatov and 7-month program "Coaching 3.0" under the supervision of NLP certified trainers Kirill Drozdovsky and Maria Stepanenko.

In order to improve my qualifications and professional development, I studied in the following training programs:

Transformational training MAXIMAL LIFE Konstantin Dovlatov, 2014-1016.

Training of Jack Makani (Master trainer, co-founder of ICTA), "Transformation of the time line", 2017.

Training "Symbolic modeling" by Penny Tompkins and James Lowley, 2017.

Training on working with metaphorical associative maps Konstantin Dovlatov (level coach), 2015

Training "Spiral Dynamics in Business" Anatoly Balyayev, 2017g.

Training "Spiritual Integration" (coaching level) 2015, 2016 gg.

The training course by the method "Alive. The Key of the Healer ", coach Elena Churzina, 2013

Author of 7 scientific articles, more than 10 publications, projects "COACHING for all 100", "SPIRAL DYNAMICS AND SYSTEM COACHING: Conscious management of changes", etc.

Currently Certified PCC Coach, NLP Master Practitioner, Practical Psychologist, Grand Curator of the Coaching School K.Dovlatov, Certified Coach of the Spiritual Integration of the 1st level, Certified Coach-Coach of the Transformational Coaching Game "SOUL WAY - THE WAY OF THE SOUL", Training Coach with metaphorical associative maps.

I write poetry, prose. Graduated nominee of the national literary prize "Poet of the Year 2017", Russia.

Single. Daughter - Afanasyeva Viktoria Sergeevna, born in 1989, happy mother.