By Жарменов Абдурасул Алдашевич on Monday, 22 January 2018
Category: Дополнительные материалы


Full name: Zharmenov Abdurassul Aldashevich

Date of birth: January 11, 1956

Place of birth: Southern Kazakhstan, Turkestan region,  Babaykorgan village

Profession: Chemistry (S.M. Kirov Kazakh national university, 1976)

Academic degree: Doctor of engineering science (1991, Development of physical-chemical bases and methods of extraction and separation of salts of transition metals from technological solutions)

Academic title: Professor (1994 ), Corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan (1995 ),

Academician: Academy of Mineral Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan (1997), International Academy of Mineral Resources (2000), National Engineering Academy of the Republic of (2001), National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2003), International Informatization Academy (2005), Kazakhstan National Academy of Natural Sciences (2008)

Job title, current place of work: General Director of RSE “National center on complex processing of mineral raw materials of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (since 1999)

Work experience: 1993-1999 - first deputy General director of RSE “NC CPMRM RK”, 1976-1993 - senior laboratory assistant, engineer, junior, senior research associate, head of the laboratory, head of the department of Chemical and metallurgical institute of Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic, 1985-1987 - head of the department of analytical chemistry in Karaganda State University, since 2005-present – Vice-President of the Academy of mineral resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan; 2006-2007 – Vice-president of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Main directions of scientific researches and major achievements: remediation, assessment, development of mineral resources; development of new fields with complex ores; Chemistry and technology of processing of different types of metals and technogenic raw materials; receipt of ferroalloys, reducers, refractories. On innovative development experienced production of new for local and world market products was created. (Osmium stable isotope, iodine and its compounds, new types of complex alloys, carbonaceous reducing agent). The organization of the industrial production of complex alloys (alloy "Kazakhstanskiy") over the world. Lead processing plants including nonconforming lead-containing raw materials put into industrial production in Bolivia, Italy, Canada and China.

Number of scientific efforts: more than 450 scientific works, including more than 120 inventions, 14 monographs and collections, including “Complex processing of Kazakhstan’s mineral raw” (in 10 volume, 2003 and 2008 year of publish).

Awards: Laureate of the State prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of science, technology and education (2001, 2015), prize “Tarlan” (2003), E.A. Buketov prize (2005), U.A. Zholdasbekov prize and Golden medal (2011). Awarded by order “Kurmet”(2000), anniversary medal “10 zhyl Astana” (2008), Golden medal of the First president of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2011), the medal «Kazakhstan Respublikasynyn tauyelsizdigine 20 zhyl” (2011), lapel badge “For merits in development of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2001), “Inventor of the USSR” (1980). He is an honored inventor of RK (2014) and an honorary citizen of Turkestan (2006).