By Шункеева Орынкуль Абдыгалиевна on Monday, 11 January 2016
Category: Дополнительные материалы


Orynkul A. Shunkeyeva

Orynkul A. Shunkeyeva, was born May 16, 1956 in v.Uzunagash, Zhambyl district, Almaty region; she is Ph.D., assistant professor of social pedagogy and elementary education of Aktobe Regional State University n.a. K.Zhubanova, an expert in methods of teaching the Russian language in primary classes of Russian schools in Kazakhstan. General scientific and pedagogical experience is 37 years, of which the university experience – 31 years. In 1978 she graduated from the philological faculty of Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Institute, the specialty "Russian language and literature in high school." Teaching career began in Saralzhin rural school, Oil District, Aktobe region.

Since 1984 O.Shunkeyeva has been working at the Aktobe Regional State University n.a. K.Zhubanov, where she provides training of primary school teachers.

In 1991 she took an internship at the Moscow State Pedagogical University n.a.Lenin at the department of the Russian language and methods of teaching the Russian language in primary school under the guidance of Ph.D., professor M.R.Lvov.

 Scientific reports of students under her leadership has been repeatedly awarded with diplomas of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

In the 2004-05 school year she passed scientific training at Kazakh National Pedagogical University n.a. Abay, at the department of theory and practice of teaching the Russian language and literature under the guidance of Ph.D., professor U.A Zhanpeys and in 2006 at this university O.Shunkeyeva has successfully defended the thesis on "Formation of word creation competence of pupils at the initial stage of learning the Russian language" for the degree of candidate of pedagogical sciences, specialty 13.00.02 - Theory and method of training and education (Russian in the primary, secondary and higher education).

On July 6, 2007 by the decision of the Academic Council of Aktobe State Pedagogical Institute she was awarded the academic title of associate professor. By the decision of the Committee for Control of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated May 21, 2009 (Minutes №5) O.Shunkeyeva was awarded the rank of associate professor with a degree in Pedagogics.

She regularly appears on linguistics problems at the qualification increase system of Aktobe secondary schools, and also improves her skills by participating in various seminars and scientific conferences (international and national) at higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

In 2007, she participated in the MES commission on verification universities with Kazakhstan legislation compliance.

O.Shunkeyeva has more than 50 publications, including journals with non-zero impact factor, training and guidelines to help professionals and future professionals of elementary education of the Russian language.

In 2008 according to the results of student questioning she was awarded the title "The best teacher of Aktobe State Pedagogical Institute."

In 2010 O.Shunkeyeva was awarded the badge "Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan."

She is constantly working to improve her qualification: in 2011, she took the author's course of doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor of Moscow State University A.V. Borovskikh "The specific pedagogy" and received a certificate; on April 12-30, 2012 she attended a seminar SES of Manfred Khaki "Management in Education" and received a certificate; from May 25 to June 3, 2015 she passed courses "Basic principles of university pedagogy" in the University of Valencia (Spain) and received a certificate.

Since 2015 she is a member of the project "Integration of rural resource centers and independent ungraded schools into a single educational information technology park (supporting basic school on the basis of high school)," financed by MES.

On July, 5 to 19, 2015 in the city of Massafra (Massafra), Taranto, Italy O.Shunkeyeva participated in the conference and the summer seminar in the framework of the grant of MES RK organized by the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn (Poland); Italian-Polish Fund «Bona Sforza» (Italy / Poland).

O.Shunkeyeva is a literate, competent expert in the theory and technology of primary education of the Russian language, with high communication skills, able to work in a team and individually, enjoys well-deserved authority among colleagues and students.

She is married, the spouse - a famous scientist - physicist, raised a daughter and a son, who occupy positions of leadership in its field, it has three lovely grandchildren.