By Мамбекова Мулдир Ануарбековна on Monday, 18 June 2018
Category: Дополнительные материалы


Mambekova Muldir Anuarbekovna was born in 1981 on august 27 in Almata, I’m kazah by nationality. Me native language is kazah, I know Russian very well, English and German by using dictionary.

In 1987 I was admitted secondary school 7 in the village Ulytau of region Karaganda.

In 1998 after finishing secondary  school (v.Jezdy),  I admitted to Jezkazgan University by Baikonurov O.A., to the  engine-mechanical faculty , specialty            “  industrial and civil construction”,  the department of industry construction, tuition  in Russian, in the city Jezkazgan of region Karaganda. In 2003 I received diploma,  qualification” engineer-constructor”.

At the same time in 2002 I studied at the branch of Jezkazgan University, at the Institute of Valuation in Almata, distance tuition, since 3rd year, specialty 090940    “Valuation (in spheres and fields of using)”. In 2004, in Almata  I graduated the University of technology, construction, valuation and management quality, specialty 090940 “ Valuation( in spheres and fields of using)”  and received  qualification of “expert-valuer”.

Marital status- married. Since October 2003 lawful matrimony with Achmetov Erlan Dusenbaevich, Date of both 1973. 26.03. was born in v. Atasu of region Karaganda, Janaarkyn district, kazah, pensioner of MIA RK. He lives in c. Karaganda. We have two children.

Son: Ahmetov Akjol Erlanuly  date of birth 2004.23.03., was born in Karaganda c.

Son:Ahmetov  Aslan Erlanuly , date of birth 2004.23.03., was born in Karaganda c.

My relatives:

Farther: Mambekov  Anuarbek Manapovich  1950.13.09. was born in Almata, berried in Almata.

Mother:Balgazina Karlygash Seifullaevna  1955.26.06., was born in Karaganda region, Ulytau district., all her life she worked as a stomatologist, at present she is pensioner, lives in c. Satpaev, Karaganda region.

Brother: Jamanbaev  Jiger  Serikovich, 1988. 03.09. place of birth Satpaev c. Karaganda region., lives in Satpaev c. Karaganda region.

Since August 2003  worked as an assistant of valuator at  the auditor company “JPA International Audit-Garand”,  engineer in DGP <Karagandagosexpertiza>, worked as an accountant – valuator. 2008-2012 worked in the TOO <Agenstvo perspectiva>, as a head of valuation company.

On July in 2011successfully passed qualification exam for license, got permission to work in valuation  immaterial actives and objects of intellectual property. On   September 2012 successfully passed qualification exam for license, got permission to work in valuation of properties.

Since October 2002  I work as an individual owner valuator of CASH-FLOW COMPANY.

In 2014 admitted  to Innovation Eurasian  University ,magistracy MBA in Pavlodar city. In 2016 defended magistracy thesis : “Valuation plot of land and confiscation  in  Karaganda city», received academic degree magistr  of bisness administration MBA, specialty 6M050700 <Management>,  specialization  “Valuation”.

I’m interested in training and researching problems in the field of self-perfection. On January 2017 had transformation training “Master- Key” for Instructors, coachers, consulters and trainers by author’s program of  Stella Hegay. The training  topic  is : Effective ways and methods of trainer’s  work, person analyzing,  relationship reality different types of people, positive method of influence, work on in the command of lieder position, achievement of priorities.

Since April 2018 I’m the head and valuator of the independent valuation company TOO < ARTOX>.