By Дауренбеков Куаныш Койшыгулович on Friday, 08 February 2019
Category: Дополнительные материалы


Year and place of birth: December 28, 1982, Kyzylorda, graduated from the school number 144 named after S. Alzhikov

Education: higher, graduated from Kyzylorda State University. Korkyt Ata in the specialty "Computer Information Processing Systems and Management" (2005)

Postgraduate education: postgraduate study at the Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after I.Gubkin (2005-2008)

Academic degree: Candidate of Technical Sciences in the specialty 05.13.11- “Mathematical and software of computers, complexes and computer networks” (2008)


Scientific and educational activities:

April 20, 2005 - November 30, 2005 - Programmer of the software department of KSU. Korkyt Ata

December 1, 2005 - October 30, 2008 - Post-graduate student of the Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after IM Gubkin (in October 28, 2008 he defended his thesis for the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences)

27.11.2008-22.09.2011 - Head of Distance Learning Center, KSU. Korkyt Ata

09.22.2011-01.09.2012 - Head of the Department "Computer Engineering and Software" at KSU them. Korkyt Ata

September 1, 2012 - June 15, 2016 - Head of the Department "Computer Engineering and Information Systems" at KSU. Korkyt Ata

15.06.2016-03.05.2017 - Director of the Department for Academic Affairs, Korkyt Ata KSU

03.05.2017- 07.02.2018 - Head of the Information Technology and Innovation Development Department of the Korkyt Ata KSU

08.02.2018-31.08.2018 - Acting Associate Professor of Korkyt Ata KSU

01.09.2018-31.01.2019 - Head of Computer Science Department, Korkyt Ata KSU

01.02.2019- to this day - the rector of the Kyzylorda University "Bolashak".



- about 80 scientific papers, including 2 monographs, 6 copyright certificate, 1 patent.

- “Scientist of the Year 2009”;

- "The best teacher of the university - 2013";

- “Lecturer of the XXI century-2013”;

- Professor of RAE RF.

- holder of "" Құ rmet diploma "of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2018

- Medal of Akim of the city of Kyzylorda in honor of the "200th anniversary of the city of Kyzylorda", 2018

- "Korkyt Ata KSU Altyn Medalі", 2019

Marital status: married, have two daughters and a son.