By Абилхайров Амангелди Ибраимович on Thursday, 16 May 2019
Category: Дополнительные материалы


Abilkhairov Amangeldy Ibraimovich was born in 1964 in the village of Shokparatogay of the Gyuyev region of the Zhyloisk district. After graduating from the A.A. Zhdanov middle school he studied “Biology and Chemistry” at the Guriyev pedagogical institute. He then worked as a chemistry teacher at the Novostroitelnoy school in the Balykshinsky district from 1986 to 1987.  In 1987, he was accepted as an engineer in the “IHN and PS SS KazSSR High-molecular compounds” laboratory. 

In 1990, he was transferred to the Junior researcher, and since 1993 he has been working as a researcher at the laboratory of “Petrochemical synthesis” IHN and PS of the Kazakh SSR. Since 1999 he works as a researcher of the laboratory “Technology of oil and gas processing” and a teacher of the Department “Chemistry and chemical technology”, and in 2006 he was transferred to the position of senior lecturer of the Department “Chemistry and chemical technology” Atyrau Institute of oil and gas.

From 1995 to 1999 he was engaged in problems of gas chemistry, namely gases of Tengiz, Karachaganak, Zaburunye fields. He studied the problems of obtaining perchloroethylene from natural gas transported through the Turkmenistan - Russia gas pipeline, and from the flare gas of the Atyrau refinery by high-temperature chlorination.

In 2008, he defended his thesis in the specialty 02.00.13-“Petrochemistry”. In his dissertation work, he considers the synthesis of new derivatives of acetylene cycloalkanes and pirans, the study of their physic-chemical, inhibitory properties in an acidic medium and luster-forming properties in electrochemical Nickel plating.

The main theoretical and practical results put forward it is the recommendation of a new method of obtaining derivatives of nitrogen cycloalkanes and pirans with multiple bonds (double, triple).  The studied dissociation under electron impact cycloalkanes, dihydropyrano, amino derivative, acetylene alcohols and meth acrylic esters. About 40 new compounds of derivatives of cycloalkanes and pirans were synthesized, their compositions were determined and physical and chemical properties were investigated.

In 2009, he was awarded the title of academic associate Professor of the Atyrau Institute of oil and gas at the Department of chemistry and chemical technology. In 2011, KKS ON was awarded the title of associate Professor in the specialty 02.00.00 - “Chemistry”.

Actively participates in international and national scientific and technical conferences held both within the University and abroad. He published 50 scientific and methodical works devoted to the improvement of technology and technology of synthesis and processing of hydrocarbon materials, including the author's certificate of the USSR and patents of Kazakhstan.