By Рахматуллаев Марат Алимович on Wednesday, 11 May 2022
Category: Дополнительные материалы



Professor, Doctor of technical science: fuzzy logic, creation of expert systems, automated management systems and CAD/CAM, data and knowledge bases, automated library systems, digital libraries.

The author and coordinator of about 40 projects, including on Corporate information network and systems for science and education. Author of the 220 scientific works (including 8 monographs, 2 textbooks). ORCID: 0000-0003-2587-1120. Chief editor of two scientific and methodic journal. Supervisor of 8PhD and 2DC students. He is the holder of the Order of «Friendship» of the President of Uzbekistan for  the contribution to the science and education of the Republic, teaches disciplines “World Information Resources”, “Automation of Designing Information and Library Systems”, “Management of automated libraries”.      


Since 2012.   -  Professor of Tashkent University of Information Technologies. “Information and Library Systems” department.

Developing the library projects, lecturing , consulting library associations, preparation for the library conference,  seminars, workshops. Manager of projects in library and information technologies spheres, including projects on open access repositories. 


2004-2012.     Uzbekistan National Library. Head of department “Foreign Literature and International Relations”,

professor of Tashkent Institute of Culture and Tashkent University of Information Technologies(part time).  

Developing the library projects, lecturing , consulting library associations, preparation for the library conference,  seminars, workshops.


2006-2007     USA. Fulbright Scholar. Northeastern University. 

Library and Information Science