By Смакова Зауре Нигметкызы on Monday, 07 November 2022
Category: Дополнительные материалы


Smakova Zaure Nigmetkyzy

Smakova Zaure Nigmetkyzy, was born on January 15, 1959 in the city of Ust-Kamenogorsk, East Kazakhstan region. By nationality - Kazakh. Higher musical education: 1979-1984 - Almaty State Conservatory. Kurmangazy, a teacher of bayan by profession, conductor of an orchestra of folk instruments. 1986-1988 - full-time assistantship-internship at the Leningrad Conservatory. N. Rimsky-Korsakov.

I am a laureate of the republican competition of young musicians (1974), as well as the 1st republican competition of performers on folk instruments (1978). After graduating from the Almaty State Conservatory named after Kurmangazy in 1984 with a diploma with honors, I was left at the department of kobyz and button accordion as a teacher in the button accordion class, where I currently work as a professor. My teaching experience at the Kazakh National Conservatory named after. Kurmangazy - 38 years old.Over the years, she developed and introduced into the educational process of the university author's elective courses "Kazakhstan bayan art", "Arrangement of dombra cues for bayan", "Variety and popular music course for bayan", "Variety repertoire for bayan-accordion ensembles", etc.The result of pedagogical activity was the victories of my pupils at international competitions, the emergence of a galaxy of brilliant performers and talented teachers.Among my students are more than 50 laureates of international competitions (China, Czech Republic, Germany, France, Italy, Turkey, Russia, Latvia, Belarus, Ukraine) and more than 50 laureates of republican competitions and olympiads. During my teaching career, I have trained highly qualified specialists who currently work in universities (S. Aisynov, D. Mergaliev, G. Narymbetov), ​​music colleges, concert groups of the republic, being conductors (M. Berdygulov, S. Kushkarbaev), concertmasters of orchestras (A. Zhakiyanov, S. Kenzhebekova, G. Sultanova), soloists-syrnaists of ensembles of folk instruments (M. Zhalbirov, R. Otarbaev, G. Narymbetov, Zh. Zhumashev, A. Usubaliev and others).I worked on the creation of accordion methodological literature, widely used in the educational process at all levels of education, I am the author of a monograph, more than 20 published textbooks, teaching aids and repertoire collections, more than 50 research articles, articles with a non-zero impact factor, CD- disks, 20 standard curricula for bachelor's and master's programs. Among my innovative projects are the creation of electronic textbooks, the publication of an anthology of Kazakhstan bayan literature. The result of many years of research work was the publication of the "History of Kazakhstan bayan performance" in the state language, as well as a textbook and an electronic textbook "Syrly syrnay murasy" with musical transcription of Kazakh songs to the accompaniment of syrnaya.A significant contribution to the expansion of the bayan repertoire based on Kazakh folk music was my arrangements of Kazakh folk music for bayan, which are performed as mandatory compositions at republican and international competitions.In the research field, I deal with the history of bayan performance in Kazakhstan, speaking at international and republican conferences, round tables. I am currently preparing to defend my Ph.D. thesis on this topic.She conducted master classes at the Kurmangazy KNK and on-site advanced training courses at music colleges of the republic, stimulating the intensive development of academicism in bayan performance. I am regularly invited to work on the jury of international (Italy - 2012, 2013, 2014, 2016, Ukraine - 2016, Latvia - 2022), as well as the Eurasia Cup, Astana-Merey and republican competitions of performers, the Delphic Games, named after Kurmangazy, chairman of the State Attestation Commission for music colleges and regional philharmonics.In terms of performing activities, I gave solo concerts in the best halls of the republic, I have stock records in Kaz. Radio, recorded solo programs on the television channels "Kazakhstan-1", "Rakhat-TV". In 2009, she performed as part of concert groups in the Days of Culture of Kazakhstan in Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Turkey.In 2004-2006 was the Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Folk Instruments, and from 2009 to 2016. - Headed the department of kobyz and button accordion. I took an active part in the preparation of the department for International institutional accreditation and State attestation of the university, from 2009 to the present I am the chairman or member of the jury of the annual Republican student Olympiad.My achievements: Kazakhstan Respublikasynyn madeniet kayratkeri (2005), winner of the Republican competition of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "The best teacher of the university" (2015), member of the World Organization of Traditional Music ISTM, corresponding member of the MAIN Academy (2016). She was awarded in 2009 diplomas of the Institute for Advanced Studies "Grand Prix" as "The Best Teacher-Researcher" and "The Best Accordion Teacher", in 2011 - a diploma at the intra-university competition for the best lectures of the faculty of the Conservatory. Awarded with diplomas of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, incl. "For a great contribution to the development of Kazakhstan bayan art", as well as diplomas of the Ministry of Culture of Saudi Arabia, the People's Republic of China.