By Товма Наталия Александровна on Thursday, 12 March 2015
Category: Дополнительные материалы


Doctor (PhD), PhD, associate professor, Head of the Department "Accounting and audit" of the al-Farabi Kazakh National University of Science and International Affairs, academic International Academy of Informatization, professor RAI,  winner of the Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the best research in the field of humanities, winner of scientific papers among scientists the Union of Independent States, three times winner of the state scientific grant MES RK for talented young scientists, finalist of the international competition "Best Young Scientist of Eurasia

Tovma Natalia Alexandrovna was born in Almaty on March 12, 1982. In 2003, she graduated Al-Farabi University with a degree in accounting and audit qualification as economist-accountant. In the same year received a grant to the magistracy of the al-Farabi univeresity at the Faculty of Economics and Business, specialty was marketing and commerce. In 2005 she graduated here at this University Masters degree. Then after this won a scholarship and studied in KazEU named by Turar Ryskulov. December 27, 2006 she defended her thesis on the topic: "Improvement of accounting, auditing and analysis of import transactions (on materials of the Republic of Kazakhstan organizations)" in KazEU T.Ryskulov. April 26, 2007 decision of the Commission of the Monitoring Committee and certification in the field of education and science, she was awarded the academic degree of candidate of economic sciences, specialty 08.00.12 - Accounting, auditing and statistics. In 2005-2008. Tovma Natalia A. trained at the doctoral (PhD) by government grants. June 13, 2008 she defended her doctoral dissertation (PhD) on the theme: "Corporate Social Responsibility: Problems and Prospects of Management" specialty "Economics, management theory." Desember 15, 2014 the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences Tovma N.A. was awarded the position of professor. August 26, 2014 - elected member of the International Academy of Informatization.

Since 2005 he has been working in the al-Farabi, at the office as teacher, then senior lecturer in "Accounting and Auditing". In the 2009-2010 academic. Then she held the post of head of the department "Accounting and Auditing". From 2010 to 2014. worked as an assistant professor of "Accounting and Auditing". On September 1, 2014 has been Deputy Head of the Department "Accounting and Auditing" of Kazakh National University. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University for Science and International Relations.Read objects: account of foreign economic activity, account in building, account in an oil and gas sector, administrative account, audit, methodology of the internal checking system, methodology of audit of the financial reporting, consolidated financial reporting, theory and methodology of the fiscal accounting and account in tourism. January, 30 of 2015 г).

Тоvmа of Н. А. passed four internships abroad. From November 2006 for December 2006 passed research internship in the Kansas University, in the USA, in the state Kansas, in city Laurence. From December 2007 for February 2008 worked on probation in the Colombian university (The USA, New York). In November 2015 worked on probation in Madrid (Spain) on the under back financing MON of KZ. On December, 7-10 of 2015 г.- took part in the course of "Managing and Distributing Natural Resource Revenues" in Istanbul (Turkey) on the under back of Swiss Government together with Natural Resource Governance Institute.

Natalia Aleksandrovna is a possessor 8 international and 6 republican rewards and bonuses.

She became a laureate of three government scholarships for talented young scientists The Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2008-2010) (2012-2013) and (2013-2014).

In January 2008, she was given a diploma of "Best Young Scientist of Kazakh National University named by Al-Farabi - 2008 ".

In 2012, she won the competition of the Fund of the First President, leader of the nation for the best research in the humanities.

 In 2013 she was awarded a diploma of the Eurasian Club of Scientists in the category "Top 50 participants info-communication platform G-global».

In December, 2013 became the winner of the competition of research works among scientific countries  The Union of Independent States, conducted by the institute of SAS in Moscow.

In 2014 got the diploma of winner of competition of methodical developments in Moscow for work of "Lecture and task on mathematical statistics".

By the decision of commission on the rewards of the "European scientifically-industrial consortium" Natalia Aleksandrovna is a recipient of an award the order of "Primus inter pares - first among equal" (Moscow 16.11.2014).

Within the framework of the national program the "Gold fund of home science" recipient of an award Gilded youth "European quality" in Moscow (16.12.2014 г).

December 18, 2014 was recognized as a finalist for the international competition "Best Young Scientist of Eurasia" in Kazan.

By the decision of the Attestation commission on rewards and bonuses from January, 26, 2015 for achievements in development of pedagogic of higher school there was she recipient of an award Gilded youth "For innovative development in area of higher education" (Moscow).

In March, 2015 Natalia Aleksandrovna became the laureate of competition "The New names in public science" for work "Audit and efficiency in the mechanism of the state financial control" annually conducted by the institute of public researches" in to Moscow.

Natalia Aleksandrovna Тоvmа is a leading research worker on the project of the under back financing of research works MON RK: "Increase of energy efficiency of Kazakhstan in transition to the green economy" on 2015-2017

April 15, 2016 was awarded a gold medal and diploma "Best Young Scientist" the rector of Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi academician Mutanova G.M.
Recognized as a finalist for the International competition of research projects "Corporate management and investment in the global economy" held in the framework of the Eurasian Youth Forum (Yekaterinburg April 21, 2016).

In the last few years, she passed 48 courses of in-plant training with delivery of certificates. Has testifying to the successful passing of courses of in-plant training on the program "Controlled from distance educational technologies".

For period of the scientifically-pedagogical activity Natalia Aleksandrovna Тоvmа published the 209 advanced studies a general volume 121, 83 printed sheets.

For period of the scientifically-pedagogical activity Natalia Aleksandrovna Тоvма published the 217 advanced studies a general volume 121, 83 printed sheets. From them: 1 train aid "Account and audit of foreign economic activity", 2 monographs are published in the USA, a 1 monograph is published in РК, 4 collective monographs, 59 reasons are published in the magazines recommended by a committee on control and attestation in the field of education and science of РК, a 32 article is published in foreign magazines, 39 theses are published in International Scientific conference in Republic of Kazakhstan, 3 articles - on scientific congresses, 56 theses are published in International Scientific abroad abroad, 12 reasons - in republican newspapers, 2 article in magazine, 3 articles - in the magazine of "Al-Farabi", 2 articles - in a rating magazine that is included in the database of Scopus, 1 article in database of Thomson Reuters.