
Jiyembayeva Kalamkas Idrisovna


Jiyembayeva Kalamkas Idrisovna, graduated from Kazakh Politechnical University named after V.I.Lenin (KazNTU), oil department, specialty  «Technology and Complex Mechanization of the Development of Oil and Gas Deposits».

I worked at the Institute of Geological Sciences named after  K.Satpayev, Kazakhstan Academy of Sciences  from 1974 to 1982. I worked at the Kazakh Politechnical University named after V.I.Lenin (KazNTU),  at the Department «Development and Exploitation of Oil and Gas Deposits» from 1982 to 2005.  I graduated from the postgraduate courses, defended the dissertation at the «Development and Exploitation of Oil and Gas Deposits» Department of the Academy of Oil and Gas  named after I.Gubkin in Moscow, and got the degree of the Candidate of Technical Sciences, speciality «Development and Exploitation of Oil and Gas Deposits». I worked in the capacity of the Head of the Department «Development of Oil and Gas Deposits» at the Caspian  Social University from 2003 to 2005. In 2004-2012 I worked at Kazakh-British Technical University at the Oil and Gas Industry Department. I published more than 80 research papers in various national and international journals, textbooks and manuals for students and specialists of oil and gas industry, among them «Gathering and Treatment of  Oil and Gas Wells» (254 pages). I am also a  winner of the contest on the best academic and methodological literature issued and also got a certificate of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, KazNTU named after K.Satpayev in April, 2002. The copies of the book are kept in the libraries of the Russian State University named after I.M.Gubkin in Moscow, British Library in London, and in the Congress Library in Washington, USA.

I delivered lectures for engineers, managers, supervisors and administrators of national and foreign companies.

In March 2002 I upgraded qualification at the  courses for lecturers on the specialty «Development and Exploitation of Oil and Gas Deposits» on the Canadian grant, Calgary, Alberta, and got an international certificate. In 2008 I studied at the University of Heriot-Watt in Edinburgh, Scotland on the Master's program on«Petroleum Engineering» (June 27-August 5). At present I am working at the Caspian Social University as an Associate Professor of the Engineering Department.

I have made a considerable contribution to the training of engineers for oil and gas industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Many of my students take the leading positions in all spheres of oil and gas industry, work in joint companies, in national and foreign companies nationally and abroad. There are many researchers among them, who are training engineers.

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