By Смагулова Каршига Канатовна on Monday, 06 March 2017
Category: Дополнительные материалы


Smagulova Karshiga Kanatovna graduated from specialized school for gifted children «Murager» in Karaganda. She finished the Karaganda state technical university on speciality 3308 «The electric drive and automation of technological complexes».

Аfter the reform of the system of scientific attestation in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan she is the first young scientist in the specialty 6D071800 «Electrical power engineering». Presently К. Smagulova works in position of associate professor of department of automation production processes. She is the deputy head of APP Department.

Karshiga Smagulova professionally conducts educational and methodical work, has prepared and published textbooks, monographs, e-learning tools, has more than 100 publications in scientific journals. She is scientific secretary of the dissertation council «Energy and communication».

For success in formation of new Kazakhstan patriotism was awarded diplomas «the вest curator», «Best young scientist» was included in top «100 best women of the University». She was awarded with medals «the 60th anniversary of KSTU», «100 years of academician to A. Saginov».

Smagulova Karshiga Kanatovna awarded the title of «Best University teacher».